Pets have been an important part of mankind life and so are other animals of wild and outskirts. Diseases acquired directly or indirectly from animals are known as zoonotic. These prove to be fatal most of the time or may result in severe disability of diseased. In this century our chances of acquiring zoonotic disease are increasing to an alarming rate and results in a bitter ending. So it’s very important for every one of us to know how to prevent zoonotic diseases.
Step 1
Some of the most common and/or most dangerous zoonotic are;
Rabies, Malaria, Dengue, campylobacter, Intestinal parasites (including roundworms, hookworms and Giardia), Toxoplasmosis, Ringworm, Leptospirosis, Cat scratch disease, Salmonella, E. coli and Campylobacter, Lyme disease, and some Other tick-borne diseases.
Step 2
As Zoonotic disease is one that can be transferred from animals to people. Many of these diseases affect our pets and so can be dangerous for us too, by taking some simple precautions; we can amazingly decrease the extent for exposure to our families. So let’s know how we can get zoonotic diseases. Animal displays, Petting zoos, Pet stores, Nature parks, Wooded and bushy areas, Farms, County or wild fairs, Child schools.
And the main question for the thought process is HOW TO PREVENT THE ZOONOTIC FROM HAPPENING TO US AND OUR FAMILY. The simple steps are:
Step 3
Practice hygiene. Wash hands frequently. Train your children same. Cook meat properly. Especially chicken & eggs. Wash fruits and vegetables properly before using. Wash hands before and after handling soil and garden stuff. Use gloves. Wash hands before and after handling pets, their food and litter box. Keep children toys away from pets like dogs and cats. Cover sand and other stuff that attracts animals for them to rest. Don’t swallow your pool’s water. Don’t pee in the pool. Avoid contact with animals when you are suffering from an infectious disease.Keep regular tracking of your pets’ health and visit your vet often. Keep your pets free from external parasites and other stray animals. Don’t use pets’ waist as fertilizer and ask others to avoid this situation too. Don’t get involved with wildlife before you have taken all required precautionary measures. Keep yourself and your pet up to date with vaccination against common prevailing health issues. If your pet is found to have a zoonotic disease, get as much as information you can for prevention of health problem. If bit by any stray animal like dog, fox, wolves get medical help immediately and keep an eye on the animal too. Avoid walking bare footed on beaches and gardens and fields. Follow local rules while travelling to new areas. Don’t let wild or stray animals to be attracted towards garbage cans. Paly your community welfare part against the zoonotic disease spread. Don’t drink water from open sources where there is a chance of contact of wild animals to that source. If you suspect your pet of having symptoms of transferable zoonotic, ask your Veterinarian doctor or medical person in charge to euthanize it.
Find out more information on Zoonotic Diseases. Your Veterinarian is a good source for information because almost all the Veterinarians have professional information on the common Zoonotic diseases for your area. Find out how to properly care for your pet to help prevent spreading it to other animals and humans.
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