Information About Liver Diseases
Diseases Diseases

Information About Liver Diseases

Published at 02/01/2012 10:06:55


Information About Liver Diseases

Liver is the largest organ in the human body and has the function of detoxification of blood from the digestive gland before the blood enters our circulatory system. For our body to work efficiently we need a number of proteins, glycogen and cholesterol. The Liver is responsible for a constant and regular supply of these cells. These beneficial items would not be supplied to our body if due to some diseases liver dysfunctions. Liver is also responsible for producing a chemical known as bile, which helps in digesting the food when it enters the small intestine. Liver also stores glucose in the form of glycogen, and releases it when there is deficiency of glucose in our body. Another main function of liver is to convert the waste material in our body into urine. However, due to many diseases liver becomes weak and loses its functionality and use.


Information About Liver Diseases

There are many symptoms of a liver disease, out of which some are quite prominent, whereas the rest have to be medically checked first. Initial symptoms are nausea, vomiting, fatigue and weight loss. Besides this, there might be a constant or occasional pain in the upper right abdomen. The person might get jaundice, in which the skin color changes to yellow. This skin change is due to the increased level of bilirubin in our blood system. But these symptoms can vary from person to person and also on the type of the liver disease. Due to Gallstone and some other diseases liver damages, due to which a person might vomit after eating greasy food.


Information About Liver Diseases

Liver diseases include Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, and Haemochromatosis, Liver Cancer, Wilson’s disease and Gilbert’s syndrome. Also, due to alcohol and other related diseases liver becomes extremely damaged. Toxic of alcohol causes inflammation of liver which harms liver cells. Fatty accumulation, also known as steatosis, takes place in liver causing it to malfunction. If the liver disease is not diagnosed and treated at an early stage, it might develop into Cirrhosis, which is a late-stage of liver disease. In Cirrhosis liver is scarred and there is a possibility of the liver losing some of its functions, which eventually leads to its failure. Apart from this if the flow of bile is obstructed in some manner, liver might start producing abnormal cells due to some intake of a chemical or mineral which is harmful. This production of abnormal cells might eventually lead to liver cancer. Moreover, if cholesterol is accumulated in liver then it might obstruct it from doing its functions properly. Apart from this some medications can also inflame liver for a short period of time. These medicines can be Penadol and Tylenol, and they are harmful especially when they are taken in large quantities.

Tips and comments

To find out if the liver is malfunctioning, you should seek medical help. Some of the most acknowledged tests by doctors include AST and ALT and also checking the protein count and albumin levels in the blood. Body scans, of not only the liver but also of its surrounding area, can tell us whether there is any disease or not. Such scans include CT scan, MRI and ultrasound. In the end it is advised by every doctor that you should avoid any chemical or mineral intake, which cause diseases liver dysfunction and many other health related problems. It is better to take caution then bear the pain later.
