How To Protect Yourself From Gastrointestinal Diseases
Diseases Diseases

How To Protect Yourself From Gastrointestinal Diseases

Published at 02/03/2012 01:32:31


How To Protect Yourself From Gastrointestinal Diseases

Diseases gastrointestinal related to the stomach are known as gastrointestinal diseases and are basically digestive diseases. Diseases gastrointestinal not only include the stomach but the esophagus, all three duodenum, jejunum, large intestine, colon and this the bowel looks normal but doesn’t work properly. The diseases include constipation and irritable bowel syndrome however these are the mildest forms of gastrointestinal diseases. The main reason for these disorders is not eating a proper diet which means a diet which has very less amounts of fiber. Exercise should form a major part of your daily routine because it improves the blood flow, where the blood flow is increased it perfects each and every issue in your body, where your daily routine changes it brings a major change in your bowel movement, this is very common cause and as soon as you get set in your new routine you will notice your bowel movement returning back to routine too. If you consume a large amount of dairy product that will also cause a change in your movement and will either cause severe diarrhea or constipation.


How To Protect Yourself From Gastrointestinal Diseases

If you are under some sort of stress that will also bring a difference in your movement along with this if you try to resist the call of nature that will also bring a change in it. If you are suffering from constipation and you start to consume a lot of laxatives that will also cause a change because your body will start to become immune to the medicine and it will stop affecting you. Constipation and irritable bowel syndrome are the two most common forms of diseases gastrointestinal where in the former the stool becomes difficult to pass or become infrequent such as once in 3 weeks, it is caused by inadequate fiber in diet and causes a person to strain during bowel movements.


How To Protect Yourself From Gastrointestinal Diseases

The stools become small and hard and may lead to other diseases gastrointestinal  such as hemorrhoids and fissures. The only way to get rid of this issue is to improve your diet and incorporate a lot of fiber and exercise in it. To enhance your bowel movement have some laxatives but do not over use them. Irritable bowel syndrome is a case where the colon muscles contracts more than usual. The reason for this is due to stress or certain forms of medicines and foods. Symptoms include abdominal pains and bloating. To treat this condition you must avoid caffeine and increase the amount of fiber in the diet. Try to avoid stress and monitor foods and take the adequate medicine mentioned for such diseases.

Tips and comments

One of the serious diseases gastrointestinal is colitis which has different forms such as infectious colitis, ulcerative colitis or crohn’s disease; the symptoms are diarrhea along with rectal bleeding and cramps. To treat this you need to diagnosis which can be done through colonoscopy and biopsy. The only way to improve your condition is to change your diet and lifestyle especially by incorporating fiber and exercise. If you do this you will never face any such diseases.
