What is dysentary?
Dysentary is a term used for gastrointestinal tract infection. Further explained, dysentry is an inflammatory disorder of the intestine, especially of the colon, that results in severe diarrhea containing mucus and/or blood in the feces with fever, abdominal pain, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation of rectal contents. If left untreated, dysentary can be fatal. Dysentary was formerly known as flux or bloody flux. Dysentary and simple bloody diarrhea are different entities. Diarrhea in dysentary is typically of small volume, very bloody, and containing many PMNs (polymorphic-nuclear cells) and RBCs (red blood cells); normal bloody diarrhea is more watery and may not contain any PMNs or mucus.
What causes dysentary?
If you are having above mentioned symptoms and suspects you have dysentary and are interested in knowing what could have been gone wrong then you are right at your target article. Dysentary is known to be caused by several different mechanisms and clinically these types are diagnosed and treated way differently from each other. Amoebic dysentary is more common and is first to look out for as it can lead to fatal complications; it’s caused by a protozoon known as entamoeba histolytica. Severe dysentary may also be caused by shigellosis, an infection by bacteria of the genus Shigella and E.coli, and is then known as bacillary dysentary (or Marlow Syndrome). Dysentary could also be viral in origin but isn’t that common. Various kinds of hormonal substances produced by these infective agents can cause bloody diarrhea and other symptoms.
Symptoms of dysentary:
Symptoms of dysentary can be different in person to person, country to country, area to area, one causative agent to other, even from time to time. Next you will be explained how!
In bacterial dysentary; symptoms are due to cytotoxins produced by bacteria causes these symptoms to appear. Following infectivity on day 1 to day 7 symptoms of dysentary may start to appear as large profuse diarrhea with blood and then gradually decreasing in amount of severity of dysentary. If things go wrong or you left your dysentary untreated it leads to following severe symptoms: watery diarrhea that contains blood or mucus, nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal pain, stomach cramps, a high temperature (fever) 100.4 degrees F or over.
Amoebic dysentary mainly occurs in tropical areas. In this type of dysentary, symptoms usually don’t appear as amoeba stay inside, produces cysts (protective amoeba) that keep on shedding and infecting the surroundings, if one’s own self gets infected too its 10th day when symptoms starts appearing as diarrhea with blood in it. Most there is watery diarrhea, which can contain blood, mucus or pus, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever and chills, bleeding from your rectum & loss of appetite and weight loss.
Symptoms of dysentary can be short coursed or long depending upon the infectivity period of the causative agent. In some caustic occasions, vomiting of blood, severe abdominal pain, fever, shock, and delirium can all be symptoms. Lactose intolerance can occur and may last for a year. Without treatment, even if the symptoms disappear, the dysentary causing agent can continue to live in the bowel for months or even years. This means that the infection can still be passed on to other people and that the dysentary can return.
As for dysentary is a common problem in various parts of world and a source of infection can live quietly amongus? Preventive measures must be taken into account:
- Wash your hands after using the toilet, after contact with an infected person, and regularly throughout the day.
- Wash your hands before handling, cooking and eating food.
- Wash hands before and after handling babies, and feeding young or elderly people.
- In heavily infected area, by washing your laundry on the hottest setting possible avoids dysentary.
- By avoiding sharing items such as towels and face cloths can help you avoid dysentary.