Diseases Diseases

What Are The Causes Of Metabolic Diseases

Published at 01/31/2012 19:39:31

Metabolic Syndrome

A connection between cardiovascular disease and certain metabolic disorders have been known since the 1940s. Later, this connection became more precisely defined and the terms metabolic syndrome was formed to show a bunch of metabolic risk factors that find together in a single person. Recently, the term metabolic syndrome has been discovered throughout medical literature and in the lay press as well. There are little differences in the standards of diagnosis. The major aspects of diseases metabolic include hypertension, insulin resistance, cholesterol abnormalities and an enhanced risk for clotting. Insulin resistance indicates the decreased capacity of cells to react to the activity of insulin in elevating the moving of sugar glucose from blood into muscular tissue and other organs.

Diagnosing Diseases Metabolic Syndrome

Diagnosing and defining, diseases metabolic depend on the group of experts performing the task. According to the principles of 2001 National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel, any 3 of the given below factors in single person cope with the measures for metabolic syndrome:

• Serum triglycerides 150 mg/dl or above
• A waist circumference about 102 cm in men and around 88 cm in women
• The cholesterol in high-density lipoproteins 40mg/dl or less in men and 50 mg/dl or low in women
• Fasting blood sugar of 110 mg/dl or more
• Blood pressure of 130/85 or more

World Health Organization criteria

WHO has somewhat different criteria for the diseases, metabolic diseases in main:

• A waist to hip proportion of more than 0.9, a BMI of minimum thirty kg/m2 or a waist dimension above 37”
• Cholesterol panel displaying a triglyceride point of minimum 150 mg/dl or HDL cholesterol less than 35 mg/dl
• Increased fasting blood glucose or increased post meal glucose
• Blood pressure of 140/90 or above

Causes of Metabolic Syndrome

The environment and genetics play vital role in causing diseases. Metabolic disease is influenced mainly by a genetic aspect of each personal element of the syndrome, and the syndrome itself. If a person has members in his/her family who has type 2 diabetes, early heart disease and hypertension, then he/she is more prone to develop metabolic syndrome. Environmental factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, low activity level and progressive weight gain also add to the risk of promoting metabolic syndrome.

Diseases metabolic is present in around 5% of people with usual body weight, 22% of those are overweight and 60% of those regarded as obese. Adults gain 5 or more pounds every year are more probable to raise their risk of developing metabolic diseases by around 45%. While obesity is probably the most important risk factor, other aspects of concern include the following:

• Smoking
• Post-menopausal women
• Lack of activity
• Excessive high carbohydrate diet

There are treatments available for diseases metabolic in the market. However, it is better to diagnose the issues at the preliminary stage to avoid further development of the same. Get the right doctor and talk to him about your exact issues regarding metabolic syndrome.
