Classification Of Diseases in Human Beings
Diseases Diseases

Classification Of Diseases in Human Beings

Published at 02/06/2012 17:53:08


Classification Of Diseases in Human Beings

The classification of diseases in humans is rather more complicated than one could imagine. With more diseases being discovered, more diseases being created, and more diseases being cured, mankind has come to know of more diseases than one could keep track of. Therefore, important information concerning each disease and any other important data is highly crucial to keep record of. Thus, the classification of diseases is the first step to maintain an organized collection of data. With the introduction of computers and information technology, all such data is safely recorded and accessed whenever required. This data has also been made public so that others may benefit of all the information that we have gathered over the years through various tests and trials.


Classification Of Diseases in Human Beings

We know for a fact that diseases have existed for as long as we have, and over time, some diseases were not persistent enough to last, while others showed up from seemingly nowhere. Diseases have for the most part always been disastrous in nature, but in some very fortunate cases, have also helped create vaccines and other chemicals that have proven to be beneficial to us in general; again, much emphasis should be applied on the fact that this was not very often. The classification of diseases started off way back in time when there were finally enough diseases discovered to find something to classify them by. While there wasn’t exactly a rule of thumb followed to classify the diseases, the data was still enough to help the future generations to build upon. We owe our knowledge to those that lived before us; because most true discoveries were really made back then. These days, the only closer we are getting is to finding out more about things that we have already discovered.


Classification Of Diseases in Human Beings

There are various methods employed in the classification of diseases. Most diseases that come in the same category happen to do so because of one or more features that they have in common. For example, any two diseases that affect the same part of the body, or compromise the same function of the body are put under the same category. Hence, in several cases, due to similarity of symptoms, the correct diagnosis is sometimes assumed to be the wrong one. This nonetheless is classification based only on regards to symptoms. Classifications can be made based on several other features. For example, the same method of replication, the same point or method of entry, the same physical state of the bacteria or virus, or any other feature that seems to make the diseases overlap.

Tips and comments

The more we grow, the more we are getting to learn about other diseases and illnesses in detail. Advancements in technology have helped up come a long way. The classification of diseases is therefore now a comparatively easier process since most of the hard work has been minimized through the use of computers used in conjunction with sensors that help us plot data based on experiments, and help make deductions, and minimize human error. This entire process constitutes the entire process of disease classification.
