The Study Of Diseases Using Haematology Techniques
Diseases Diseases

The Study Of Diseases Using Haematology Techniques

Published at 02/05/2012 22:11:56


The Study Of Diseases Using Haematology Techniques

Hematology essentially is the study of everything related to blood. Hematology techniques involve the study of diseases related to blood, the blood itself and different medicines; how they react to the blood. All individuals at one point or another in their lives have been touched by Haematological techniques. It can be from the simplest things to the most complex. For examples simple blood tests also fall in the domain of these techniques. These techniques have a significant role in success of any medical treatment. As all branches of medical sciences rely on Haematologic studies and the results they provide help determine the accurate treatment for a particular treatment.


The Study Of Diseases Using Haematology Techniques

These techniques have been playing a pivotal role in major fields of medical science for a long time now. These studies have enhanced the study of human blood and that in return has enhanced the study of diseases pushing forward the whole domain of medicine. Blood samples from patients are collected via syringes and processed in laboratories to analyze different samples.


The Study Of Diseases Using Haematology Techniques

Hematology helps solve a lot of problems individuals face. For instance the White blood count, White blood cell differential, Red blood Cell count, Platelet count and levels of hemoglobin in blood all these variables are found out using these techniques. These techniques are also very commonly used in pharmaceutical companies. It helps them assess how blood will react to different medicines and what will be its side effects. Apart from its usefulness, there are many diseases known through the study of diseases that are specific to this domain. These diseases cannot be tackled without these techniques, Sickle Cell Disease as come to known through the study of diseases, is one of the many to name. In this disease Red blood cells mutate and form a sickle shaped clots in blood creating risk for more complexities. This seriously affects the hemoglobin levels in an individual’s blood. Due to this disease life expectancy of a human being is hampered. Thalassemia is another one of such disease. This is primarily an inherent disorder. This particular disorder causes the hemoglobin in blood to mutate and self delete over time. Hemophilia is also an inherent disease. In this particular disorder an individual’s blood lacks the ability to clot if bleeding starts. There are three types of hemophilia A, B and C. Hemophilia has some distinct symptoms that a person can spot easily. Large bruises start to appear over body and nose starts to bleed without a reason. Blood starts to appear in stool and in urine. They might also be excessive vomiting and vision issues also emerge. All these diseases are treated in Haematological department. Without the study of diseases that are blood related, using such techniques doctors will always be handicapped and effort to cure the disorder will mostly be futile. Only with the help Haematological techniques can the blood be analyzed and studied. After which various variables present in blood can be understood and deficiencies can be outlined.

Tips and comments

Most of blood related diseases are inherent; there isn’t much that one can do about that. But what we can do is ensure timely visit to our doctor because only then these disorders will be timely identified and treatment could be started.
