About Brown Root Rots Disease
Diseases Diseases

About Brown Root Rots Disease

Published at 02/15/2012 13:37:20


About Brown Root Rots Disease

Brown rots root is a disease observed in plants and trees. This disease results in the death of the plant. Rots disease is more common in the tropical areas. One of the reasons for the extinction of exotic plants and trees is that this disease destroys the plants.


About Brown Root Rots Disease

The rots disease was discovered for the first time in 1971 in American forests. First it was known as Charcoal roots disease but later it was named brown roots disease. It is known by this name because a brown crust appears on the stem and trunks due to the fungi.


About Brown Root Rots Disease

The rots disease has destroyed many trees over the years such as mahogany, rubber and pine trees. The fungi which causes this disease is known as phallinus noxius. It spreads on the external area of the trees and then penetrates the wood. The main symptom is usually the chlorosis which is the yellowing of the leaves. Fungi not only grow on the outer area but also start to grow inside the tree which results in its death. There is no as such cure of this disease. Once it penetrates into the tree than nothing can be done to stop it. The sprays and pesticides also cannot control the disease. In some areas it is believed that if a plant of the lily specie is planted near the trees, it can prevent the plants from developing this disease. According to some researches if a herbaceous root is planted near the trees than the root will not let the fungi develop which is the cause of this brown root disease. Exclusion of the diseased plant will also help to control the quick increase of the disease. This disease spreads rapidly because the fungi have certain enzymes which reproduce the cells quickly. During thunderstorms and strong winds, the disease gets transmitted from one tree to another. This disease is not limited to any particular species or to any particular age of tree. Trees and plants of every kind are susceptible to this disease.

Tips and comments

To control this disease many measures have been taken over the years which have control the disease to a certain extent. When planting a tree it is necessary that they are not kept at a huge distance but their roots should not touch each other because if the roots will touch each other the disease will spread more quickly. Also, when cutting the infected tree it should be pulled out along with the roots because if the roots are not pulled out, there is no point in cutting the tree. Always plant trees of different types because plants of the same specie get infected by this disease quickly than the plants of different species. In this era of economical depression, sprays and pesticides should not be wasted on the infected plants because it is a given that the sprays do not have any effect on the plants which have already transmitted this disease. Therefore, if all the necessary measures are taken in time, than the brown root rots disease can be eliminated from this world.
