Diseases Diseases

How To Diagnose Lupus Skin Rash Diseases

Published at 02/24/2012 18:07:34


Rash diseases are important health problem. Clinically various diseases show the rash appearance and it’s the typical and specific nature of the rash that help us diagnose these rash diseases. A rash is an inflammatory condition of skin that leads to skin pigmentation and also the change in skin texture. The rash diseases can be palpable to non-palpable, eccentric to concentric and large to small area covering. On general account the rash diseases can be divided into infectious rash diseases and noninfectious rash diseases. The non-infectious rashes are limited to a specific and are not classified as transferable. While the infectious ones are dangerous as they can be transferred and spread on major body portion.

Step 1

Lupus is a skin rash disease that may infect the body systemically. Any organ can be involved, owing to its auto immune nature the rash diseases can be severe and may get untreatable too. Lupus skin rash diseases can be tricky to diagnose as it affects nearly all systems and symptoms are not very specific. A thorough knowledge of lupus skin rash diseases is required to conclude lupus as differential diagnosis. It’s called SLE and is known to affect all age and gender groups equally. Any multi system involvement requires ruling out SLE. The characteristic symptoms seen in lupus skin rash diseases patients are as following: joint pain, muscle pain, mouth ulcers, and hair loss and rash diseases. It’s a rheumatic disease with many types such as systemic lupus, skin type: discoid and sub-acute type lupus, drug induced and neonatal lupus rash diseases. Women are now more prone for lupus attacks because of predisposition to heart, kidney and bone diseases.

Step 2

Risk factors for lupus rash diseases:

Anyone can get lupus. Neonates, children and adults after 50s are more prone. African and Asian women get lupus skin rash diseases more commonly. Seizure, strokes and heart involvement is major issues in these ladies. Severity of lupus differs with the genetics of each patient. A low socio economic state of life, poor health care and lack of educational support tends to worsen the diseases.

Step 3

What causes lupus rash skin diseases?

The factors like environmental exposure to sunlight, excessive stress, smoking habit, medication history are important. The hormones like estrogen causes lupus predisposition. An immune system derangement leads to increased chances of getting lupus skin rash diseases and a family history positive for lupus rash diseases is an important clue to diagnosis.

Step 4

How to diagnose lupus skin rash diseases:
Other that general body system, the rash diseases in lupus is significant. In addition to medical and family history, your doctor can order tests like blood and urine examination in addition to skin and renal biopsies so as to confirm the diagnosis of your rash diseases as lupus.

Step 5

The criteria for lupus diagnosis is Malar Rash, Discoid Rash, Photosensitivity, Oral Ulcers, Arthritis, Renal disorder, Neurologic disorder, Hematological disorder and the Immunologic disorder.


The rash of lupus is known to involved face most commonly, the rash diseases in lupus is called butterfly rash on face as it covers cheeks and spares the nose in between. Also the arms till hands and shoulders are involved, as the common rash diseases presentation. The hips and loin area is rarely involved. The typical butterfly rash is of diagnostic importance in rash diseases of lupus.

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