About the Double G Clothing Salers
Fashion & Style Clothing

About the Double G Clothing Salers

Published at 03/12/2012 21:31:09


About the Double G Clothing Salers

Everyone wants clothes at cheap prices because branded and other items take a large chunk out of your monthly budget. That obviously leaves lesser room for purchasing necessary household items and other things. Moreover, everyone prefers to buy the latest trends of the season’s fashion like crazy. Nobody wants to buy just one expensive piece, and this is where whole clothing comes in. Many companies offer their outclass services by providing cheaper alternatives to the clothes available at regular branded or retail outlets. One very such company with a renowned name is Double G Clothing, which deals in selling clothes on a whole sale basis.


Double G Clothing was set up by two partners namely, Gordon Chilvers and Graham Bennett and they have over 70 years of combined experience in the wholesale clothing industry. This company has been in existence since 1993. Their warehouse is extremely large round about 40000 square feet as supplies retailers, stores and traders with delivering all across the nation. The main reasons for the company’s growth is not its normal clothing but, the professional printing and embroidery services it offers for corporate, special and sports wear. With the change in technology customers can however, get form of printing done on their own personal clothing as well.


Double G clothing provides its customers with numerous catalogues dedicated to different forms of apparel. Some catalogues completely to the formal and semi-formal looks that include work wear, jackets, t-shirts, sports, caps, bags and accessories. Baby wear and school wear catalogues are also available for those buying for their children. These catalogues are not only mailed to your homes, but are also obtainable for complete viewing online. Prices are not noted on the catalogues and the company needs to be contacted for details after noting the item number. Double G clothing also offers a unique embroidering facility that customizes your school, work and sports clothes to fit your needs. They create a logo using machines as requested by the customer using the latest CAD software. This is obviously based on artwork supplied by the customer and the higher the quality the better the printing will be. This company incorporates diversity because they not only provide clothes but also deal in providing trophies for various events that can be engraved as well. Double G clothing is an answer to all football team prayers because they also make customized football kits upon request. Customers can choose the colors, size and number of kits they wants to order and large orders obviously require more time. However, this large scale wholesaler is booked in advance so to make sure you receive your clothes in time you need to act accordingly.

Tips and comments

Customers of Double G Clothing need to realize that stocks keep on changing frequently so orders need to placed in advance and the best idea would be for customers to visit the warehouse in person to check the stock. Mobile van service is also available within certain areas that customers can take advantage of and reduce travelling costs to pick up their orders.
