Fashion & Style Shoes & Accessories

Where To Buy Men's Dress Shoes

Published at 03/21/2012 22:09:00


The type, quality, design and the condition of the shoes a man wears translates volumes about the personality of the man; this is not a myth but very true and therefore for the most important occasions in life one needs to invest in quality in order to reap the benefits for the longer run. Whether the event is your wedding, a once in a life time opportunity of an interview or even just because you think its about time to do away with that pair you have been using for the past couple of years every day for office now, one definitely needs to look into the brands the level of quality each is offering before making that purchase. Although the shades of black, brown and grey have proved themselves to be the only popular hues in the forte of men's dress shoes, that has not stopped the various brands to come up with evolved designs and variations in the smallest of designs in these type of shoes. Comfort and durability are some of the things that should be on the top most of the priority list when you make that trip for buying a smart pair of men's dress shoes.


Hugo Boss has successfully managed to establish itself as one of the most high ended and sought after brands for sleek and stylish men's dress shoes for men. Although the general perception regarding the brand is that they only offer conservative work shoes but the case has changed over the past years. The brand has made sure they provide you with a pair that is loaded with style so you can make the best of impression on that interview or the formal dinner, at the same time incorporating the latest styles and fashion within the most minutest of the details of the pair, lending it a very rich look. Men's Dress shoes by Calvin Klein are also a very smart investment. Given the level of quality that the brand provides and consequently the price range of these shoes, one should keep them safe in order to flaunt at the special occasions.


Men's Dress shoes by Kenneth Cole are also one of the most stylish in the industry; the brand boasts of sleek uppers made out of high quality leather and classic dress heal. The brand flaunts these shoes in the shades of black, brown as well as bordeaux.

Tips and comments

A classic Johnston and Murphy pair of dress shoes will definitely last you a long time given you care for them well; they can be paired up with that suave suit of yours and even a sweater and slacks for a down time. The pair also boasts of a cap toe which has proven itself to be a smart and a timeless style. The best part about the brand is that they do not offer these amazing shoes at a ridiculous price range;a smart investment without a doubt. Another brand to definitely check out when buying a pair of dress shoes is Allen Edmond; the brand has been in business for a long time now and the highlight about their footwear is the fact that the shoes go through 212 various types of production steps and are hand made in order to reach that perfect level of comfort
