Internet Hosting

About Sql Server Hosting

Published at 03/26/2012 19:59:52


Before getting into the detailed discussion of SQL Server hosting first we will describe what is SQL server and why we use it. SQL server is servers which perform functionality of relational databases. Microsoft is considered as the very first vendor of SQL servers. Basic functionality of this software product is to do storage and retrieval tasks on the instructions provided by the other software applications. In SQL server it does not matter whether you are working on same computer or working on two different computers computations can be carried out easily. Microsoft had introduced many different versions of SQL servers aiming different type of customers to increase their market value and reduce customer’s workload. These versions can be for small business applications or for those companies who deal in huge amount of data in order to store and retrieve data easily. There is a large variety of visual management tools that can be utilize at their best to have a perfect use of administer, manage and performance tune your SQL Server database.


Many of the users now a day prefer the use of Microsoft Access with SQL server. It is though not really easy to use Microsoft access but when you create relation between Microsoft access and SQL server there functionality is most rewarding ever. Many companies offer different SQL web hosting packages. Though to give your business applications a perfect usage, SQL server support is one of the best options among all.


You should always use SQL server if you are running a business with the use of critical business components because that really needs fast and reliable computations that can be carries out only by the use of SQL server. Websites that are currently using Microsoft access databases should use SQL server hosting, that can be considered as the natural path to lead your website towards excellence. Users who are working on windows 2008 should use SQL server 2008 databases , because windows 2008 provides you the best compatibility features for SQL server hosting. Users who are working on windows 2003 servers do not need to worry because support of SQL server hosting is also provided to it through SQL server 2005 databases. For getting the support of SQL server 2005 database you should submit request by contacting a company like storm-internet on If you had submitted your request once then you can enjoy SQL server hosting on correct server.

Tips and comments

You should always try to transfer existing SQL server database to use instead of working hard to build a database from scratch this function can be easily performed through SQL server hosting packages provided by different companies. Using SQL server management studio you can easily transfer the already hosted database which is mostly supported by many packages of companies. SQL server management studio also provides you an opportunity to import and export your data by easily uploading your data and stored procedures. However, instead of spending lot of time on making new databases you can easily make your own online databases with the help of SQL scripts in few clicks.
