Great Advice For Jobs Representative
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Great Advice For Jobs Representative

Published at 03/21/2012 16:00:14


Great Advice For Jobs Representative

Jobs Representative is a person employed to represent a specific job. In simple words, it is a person who represents other’s interest embedded in a job. What “other” means here, is a person/individual interested in the job represented by someone else. These persons can be simply referred to as customers. Primary duty of a jobs representative is to attract others interest for a particular job. They may fulfill the purpose by describing the job in detail, answering all the probable questions that can be asked by the interested individuals, giving something extra to enable the interested individuals to evaluate. Whether the job under discussion is suitable to his/her needs or not. Almost all Jobs Representative share a common set of values - integrity, intensity, ethics, innovation, involvement and commitment to job. An organization’s ability to grow year after year is driven by the ability of an organization to attract, develop and retain world-class people who can thrive in challenging environment and who promises to compete in any situation to get the right people for the right jobs/products.

Step 1

Employees who have never worked as Jobs Representative believes the job to be mindless as representatives have written script for everything. However this is incorrect because they never know what the customer will request or what attitude they will adopt when interacting with a representative.

Step 2

So, they are provided with the basic knowledge to execute the transactions requested of them, but how they interact with the customer while completing their requests is up to them. The basic aim of Jobs Representative during their contact with customer is to satisfy their demands. If they comply with this requirement, they are free to adopt a way that best suits them.

Step 3

Here is some advice for Jobs Representative, which enables them to fulfill job’s purpose and to serve other’s interest. While a person is acting at the post of a Jobs Representative he needs to bear in mind few important points which can help him progress.

Step 4

Listen carefully what the other person is asking for and actively try to interpret. Although it is not an easy task but objective can be achieved by answering all questions asked whether stated or implied.

Step 5

The next step is to describe what you are selling for? It can be a product/ service/ job. This description requirement of bearing good communication skills which involves enabling others to understand what you are trying to sell.


Great Advice For Jobs Representative

Be courteous to your customers, show respect to their desires and demands by highlighting the customer’s benefit and showing concern for them. Do not use discriminatory or taunting language because it may force a customer to assume that representatives are trying to ridicule them.


What Jobs Representative should do if they are unable to fulfill customer demands? In case if representatives are unable to satisfy customer demands, they should not adopt direct method of refusal instead they should use indirect method involving a buffer. A buffer is something that lessens the impact of a shock. This kind of approach has been found very successful.


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