Vacations Beach

Top 5 Coffee Shops in Long Beach, Ca

Published at 03/05/2012 21:16:41


A coffee house serves and prepares coffee. Beach coffee shops serve hot beverages as well as coffee to beach visitors as they soak up the sun. Though beach coffee has some of the characteristics of a bar, they are slightly more identical to restaurants, but different from cafeterias. As the name suggests, beach coffee houses primarily focus available on coffee and tea accompanied with light snacks. Beach coffee houses are not limited to Western countries as they are also quite popular in the Middle East where coffee at times flavored with tobacco smoked through hookah.

Beach coffee shops act as both cultural standpoint as well as social interaction forums. The beach coffee house provide members with a place to congregate, read, entertain one another, talk and write or just pass time. Members may huddle in small groups as they engage in animated discussions or just sit personally to tackle personal challenges.

Beach coffee houses began from the espresso and pastry-centered Italian coffee shops popular with immigrant Italian who resided in major U.S. cities. Netherlands have a rather radical approach to the sale of cannabis which is decriminalized in coffee shops. Many cannabis shops in Netherlands label themselves as coffee shops and most first time visitors to these shops often get surprised when they enter a coffee shop only to realize that the coffee houses have very different business.


Long Beach Coffee Shops

Long Beach has quite a number of coffee houses offering many varieties of coffee. This includes  the Portfolio Coffee House. Every morning anyone within range of the beach coffee house is likely to smell the freshly roasted bean in the air.

Candy coffee house is located at Broadway, and rated as quite a decent coffee house. It’s A Grind Coffee House is rated as one of the friendliest places within the state. The beach coffee house has very friendly staff who offers customers the best services.

Coffee houses began many decades ago, probably in Istanbul as historical records show. Around the year 962 a fellow named Hakam from Allepo, Damascus came to the city and opened a large shop in the area known as Tahtakale and there he began to purvey coffee. Though the issue of how coffee was introduced to Istanbul in the late 15th century, there is no sufficient documentation to support the many rumors.


Tips and comments

Beach coffee houses have been recognized as a place where people engage in creative conversation.
