
What is the best day of your whole year? I’m sure many of you love your birthdays the most. This is because that is the day you get your royal treatment and get loads of gifts. But now the trend has changed a bit from what they were before. Now, special activities birthday parties are organized on larger scales. Activities like dancing around the birthday child, opening gifts, playing musical chairs, dancing on a particular song have become very popular among everyone. Cutting the cake is no longer the best part about the activities birthday parties. Even if the cake has lost its significance, still hundreds of dollars are spent to make the cake of your own choice. People have started making their activities birthday parties much more extravagant and expensive then before.
Back in the old days, whenever the high class women wanted to show off their wealth, they planned extravagant activities birthday parties of their children. These birthday parties were arranged on a large scale. Interior decorators were summoned to decorate the house especially for the birthday. There was a special theme selected for the birthday ad everyone was dressed up according to that theme. There haven’t been many changes made to the activities birthday parties but the youth has introduced some of their own activities for birthdays. For the girls, make overs and dressing up stuffed animals has become a fun activity. For the boys, exploding the piñata and video game competitions have become the fun activities.
In the activities birthday parties, of course the different types of activities introduced are a source of great attraction for the guests. There are activities for children as well as the parents. For example, there are games like tug of war for the mothers present in the parties. Then there are high heel races for the fathers. This activity brings roars of laughter to the faces of the guests. Other than that, there are activities like dancing around the birthday child singing the birthday song. This makes the child feel very special. The opening of presents is also an important part of the activities birthday parties. In this way the child thanks all the people for getting him good presents. Of course the birthday cake is very important. Cakes from finest bakeries are purchased and they have the name of the birthday child written on top them.
Tips and comments
There are several tips for making your activities birthday parties the best among all the parties. For this purpose you need to arrange fun games and activities that the guests would enjoy. For example, select a theme for your birthday. The girls usually go with dressing up like your favorite celebrity theme. This way nobody would look over or under dressed. The cake should also be in accordance with the theme. Then arrange the fun games like hitting the piñata while being blind folded, treasure hunt, dressing up stuffed animals and more. Make sure there are loads of snacks available for the guests so they don’t go home on an empty stomach.
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