Computers Memory

How To Find the Amount Of Memory Left on Your Pc

Published at 02/24/2012 00:14:12


People nowadays sometimes forget the importance of knowing the amount of memory left on your pc. They are content on simply making their pc work, and they just keep on saving whatever files and data they want to save on their pc without really considering how much memory they have left on their pc. What they fail to realize is having a low amount of memory left can actually reduce the level of performance of your pc, thereby affecting the quality and effectiveness of your work.

Step 1

Basically, the amount of memory on your pc that is being referred to is the random-access memory of the computer, or RAM for short. This RAM is actually the one responsible for allowing how many programs your computer can run at a time. The more RAM your pc has, the more programs you can run, and the better its performance would be even when there are multiple programs running at one time. This RAM also dictates how large of the file or data you can open or access when you use certain programs. It is also responsible for determining the speed and proficiency in which the programs would execute and run. If you are trying to determine the amount of memory you have left on your pc, there are actually a number of ways that you can do this.

Step 2

One way that you can check the amount of memory you have left on your pc is by checking the specifications of your pc on the box that the pc came along with. It should contain information on how much memory your pc has. And by simply subtracting the amount of memory you used up with the various programs you have installed and saved up on your pc, including all the data and files that you saved in it, you can make a determination of the amount of memory your pc has left.

Step 3

Another way that you can do this is by simply checking the amount of memory left under the General tab in the Properties option in the My Computer icon. This is the more reliable way of determining how much memory you have left since it will indicate there how much memory you have already used up, and how much memory you have left.

Step 4

A good indicator of how much memory you have left is by means of observing how your pc would perform whenever you would open a particular file, or when you would run a particular program. If your memory is not enough, it will actually prevent you from running the programs you are trying to run.

Step 5

If the various programs you have opened actually run very slowly, or if the files take so long to open, it is a good indication that the amount of memory you have left in your pc is not that much.


These are just some of the ways that you can use in order to find out the amount of memory your pc has left.
