Diseases Acne

Why Are Teenagers Prone To Acne

Published at 02/19/2012 22:46:03


Teenagers are more prone to getting acne than any other age group. Approximately eight out of ten teenagers have some acne. Many adults have acne prone skin too. Teenagers develop acne because of the changes that their body is going through. Their bodies are going through puberty and with these changes come the production of more oil. Acne comes in several forms from blackheads, whiteheads, cysts and pimples. The most common type of acne is called acne vulgaris which is on the face, shoulders, neck, back and chest.

Treatment For Acne Prone Skin

When a teenager is going through hormonal changes the sebaceous glands end up making more sebum. Sebum is an oil that is responsible for coating your hair and skin. Once the glands are making more sebum than the pores become clogged with oil and dead skin cells with this resulting in a pimple. Bacteria gets trapped inside the pore and increases causing the redness on your face and acne develops. It is thought that acne is worse in boys than girls because they have more skin oils. Acne can fade by the age of 25, but the symptoms can still go on for years into adulthood. Other important factors that play a role with acne is hereditary genes. If members of your family are prone to acne than more than likely you will be. Another factor is your immune system. Some individuals are more sensitive to bacteria.


There are a few things that can aggravate acne prone skin and will make matters even worse. Makeup, suntan and hair care products that are oil based, stress, hormonal changes especially during a woman's period or if she is older during menopause, picking at pimples as this will only lead to scarring, scrubbing and exfoliating of the face. Myths that are not true about how acne forms. It does not matter what you eat. Eating chocolate, greasy foods such as fries, chips etc don't cause acne. Dirt and sweat do not cause acne either. Having acne prone skin does not mean you have to life with having pimples all over your face. There are a few treatments you can do to help clear your skin and manage it. A couple treatments that are available over the counter include benzoyl perxoide and salicylic acid. These work by drying up the pimple and killing any bacteria. They are available in several forms from gels, lotions, pads or soap. When going through an acne treatment remember it does take time for your face to respond. Give any treatment at least eight weeks to see any improvement. If after two months you have not seen improvement than you can consult with your physician.


There are some medications that require a prescription that your doctor may give you. One such being Retinoids like Adapalene or Tretinion. If you use one of these you should not be in the sun or use a very good sunscreen. Pregnant women are advised not to use any Retinoids. This medicine is only applied once a day being sure not to apply it anywhere near the mouth, eyes or underneath your nose area.


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