About Diseases Respiratory System
Diseases Diseases

About Diseases Respiratory System

Published at 02/13/2012 16:33:07


About Diseases Respiratory System

To learn about diseases respiratory system, it is important to know how the respiratory system works. It begins in the nose and mouth when air is inhaled continuing down the airways and then to the lungs. Thus, the respiratory organs that form part of the system are vital in the function of breathing. These organs include the lungs, trachea, larynx, pharynx, and epiglotitis.


About Diseases Respiratory System

A person who exhibits any of the following systems may have diseases respiratory system:

  • Coughing:

Coughing is a natural reaction and actually helps to get rid of sputum and other irritating particles trapped in the mouth or body. It can also be a sign of the presence of diseases respiratory system such as a viral or bacterial infection. Coughs that are persistent and accompanied by shortness of breath should be looked into. Expelling large amounts of phlegm or sputum and blood is also reason to look at the condition.

  • Shortness of breath:

A person who is struggling to breathe without exerting any effort might indicate the presence of diseases respiratory system.

  • Breathing with unusual sounds:

People who breath while awake or sleeping accompanied by a crowing sound is another sign of diseases respiratory system.

  • Chest pain:

When a person experiences chest pains that have no explained causes such as a gastrointestinal problem or a heartburn, this can be a sign of diseases respiratory system.

Note that these symptoms do not all indicate that a person is experiencing diseases respiratory system. There are several reasons that could explain the presence of such symptoms such as other medical conditions like a heart problem.

Diagnosis and Treatment

A few of the possible diseases respiratory system include bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung abscess, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary embolism, bronchiectasis (widening of the airways), and atelectasis (lung contraction). However, the best way to confirm presence of diseases respiratory diseases is to see a doctor who may perform various physical and laboratory tests. A pulmonary function testing should be undertaken to assess the situation correctly. When the cause of the cough is identified, treatments include antitussive therapy (to prevent coughing), steam inhalation, decongestants, bronchodilators and expectorants to get rid of the cough by ejecting sputum. If the cause of the cough is an infection or asthma, antibiotics or an inhaler is given. Difficulty in breathing and wheezing (Dyspnea) can be alleviated by using antibiotics, inhalers, vaporizers, and bronchodilators. The crowing sound in Stridor is relieved by inserting a tube in the person’s mouth or nose. It is also possible to make an incision in the trachea to allow air and prevent asphyxiation.

Tips and comments

Note that there are also occupational diseases respiratory system such as Silicosis (inhaling silicone dust), Black Lung (inhaling coal particles), Asbestosis (asbestos dust), and occupational asthma (particles and vapors that cause allergic reaction). If you are working in any of these high risk sectors, get yourself tested as soon as possible.


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