Education Universities

10 Top Universities For Top Students

Published at 03/01/2012 14:31:15


Education has become more common that is providing the best of knowledge and education to the student so that they could have the skills and information to compete with the world. There are certain features and characteristics that had the make some specific university to be the best of and also to be ranked among the top universities across the globe.

Step 1

For this purpose, every year the world best scholar and searcher search out the best 10 top universities for the student to get the admission according to their capability and knowledge. Different universities of the world are known to be the best but still some ranked as the 10 top universities of the world. United States of America universities have been ranking as the 10 top universities for number of years and they are known to the world as the best institute of the world to seek knowledge and degree.

Step 2

Well, will like to discuss some of the features of 10 top universities of the world with everyone so that they could understand the value and information required by any student to seek admission in these 10 top universities.

Step 3

  • Harvard University is running in U.S.A and known to be the best university of the world and rank first among the 10 top universities of the world. It students are known to be the best one can have the knowledge of the practical life like any experienced person working in the respective fields for years. Best students are granted admission in this institute across the globe.
  • Second universities among the 10 top universities are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology again running in U.S.A it is known to be the best one for the student to get admission and complete their higher education to get the valuable degree for making their future.
  • Cambridge is known to be the 3rd in the 10 top universities of the world and is providing services in the field of education for number of years.

Step 4

  • University of California Berkeley U.S.A is ranking 4th among the world best university across the globe and operating in United States of America, and it is well-known to the world.
  • Stanford University in united state is ranked to be the 5th world best university in providing education and knowledge to the student to seek admission in their respective ambitious filed.
  • University of Oxford has been known to the world for years and ranking 6th among the 10 top universities of the world that has complete collection of specialization field for their student to seek knowledge and education in the respective field.
  • Princeton University in U.S.A is also rank among the 10 top universities of the world and student across the boundaries compete to get the admission in this institute.


  • University of Tokyo Japan is also among the top 10, which is the best institute running in the Japan and also known to be top 10 in front of the world.
  • Yale University U.S.A is the best university for the student of law but also rank in the top 10 of the world
  • California institute of the Technology U.S.A is the 10th among the ranking of the world best university.
