Education Universities

How To Find Universities In Georgia

Published at 02/28/2012 21:46:00


As many parents struggle to help their teenager find the right college or university to attend, it's important for everyone to keep in mind there are many valuable resources available online to help ease the stress of finding the right university for your pre-college teen. Use those resources to benefit you and put your teenager on the education path they need and deserve by researching thoroughly and requesting information from the Universities in Georgia that are most suitable for you or your teen.

Step 1

Begin by making a plan of education for your pre-college teen. This would also apply to those adults who may wish to attend college later in life. Before researching the Universities in Georgia, have your teen complete the following questionnaire before doing your research (or yourself, if you are the one planning your education):

  • What degree do I want?
  • What am I good at?
  • What location do I want to attend?
  • Does the University I am interested in offer the program I need in order to complete my degree?
  • Is money an issue?
  • Am I eligible for any grants, scholarships or student loans?
  • Is the school accredited?
  • Will I need dormitory housing?
  • Am I really ready to commit at least 2 years or more of my life to my studies?
  • Am I ready to work part time and help supplement if needed?
  • Do I have transportation of my own or will I have to depend on public transportation?
  • Is the area in which the University I am considering a long ways from home?
  • Should I really start college right after I graduate high school?
  • How does my family feel about me going away to college?
  • Would it be better to attend a local community college?

Those are a few of the questions you will need concrete answers to before committing to enrollment in any college or university. A person's economic status should never deter them from following their dreams or anticipations when it comes to their education. Most colleges and/or Universities in Georgia offer some sort of financial aide to those that qualify. That assistance is there for a reason and if you qualify, it is best when put to use and the student is absolutely sure they are ready to commit to making their path to further education a reality.

Step 2

You ask yourself, where can I find a list of Colleges and Universities in Georgia? Here are some answers that will help you:

The most comprehensive resource for locating a College or University is found at Not only does that resource offer a complete list of colleges and universities in Georgia, but the list is divided into categories so you can find exactly what you are looking for. That is like a one-stop resource in helping you locate the College or University of your dreams.

The second best resource I have found that will help in your research efforts for Universities in Georgia is:  After reviewing the information on those sites and you have your decision narrowed down to a few different colleges or universities in Georgia, it will be time to contact each of them and ask for additional information such as brochures and/or guides.

Step 3

While waiting on your hard copies of information from your chosen Universities and/or Colleges, do some research on Financial Aid? There is federal funding available to those who qualify and you can find out more about that by visiting: Georgia has some of its own assistance programs as well. You can find out more about them by visiting



Step 4

Now that you think you are on your way to being prepared to go to College, it's time to get the footwork in order. Make a visit and take a tour of each College or University Campus that you have established an interest in. Seeing the campus in person will help a great deal in being able to visualize where you will be spending a great deal of your time while working on your future.

Step 5

After you return home from your visits, sit down and really think about what you want, and which College or University suits you the best. Which institution can you see yourself attending daily? What activities are close to the campus that I may be interested in as far as leisure time activities? Did the campus appear safe to me? There are tons of questions you will want to ask your self before making that commitment to enroll. Whatever decision you make, just remember, that decision is going to have an overall effect on your entire future, so take it seriously and don't jump into something you aren't ready for.


While planning your college education, always make sure you are ready to commit to the time, energy and money it will take to get you through it. Be willing to keep a "do what it takes" attitude so you can succeed.

Be absolutely sure you are ready to follow through with your commitment. Once you receive approval for your student loans if you are depending on them and once those loans are disbursed, you are in fact responsible for paying that money back.

Be prepared to research thoroughly before committing. Don't forget, some Universities and Colleges offer courses online that you can do right from home and might not even have to leave home in order to complete your education.
