About Universities Music
Education Universities

About Universities Music

Published at 03/06/2012 17:37:32


About Universities Music

Universities are the center of higher education. Today, universities define education as more than just knowledge. Universities define education in a broader sense. It defines education as something that will not only impart knowledge into you, but develop a special skills and talent in you. One of the most popular forms of education is in the arts sector. Education in arts teaches you expression in the most finest, unique and authentic way. Music too is a form of art. Universities music refers to an educational institution specialized in the study, training and research of music. Universities music is the most modern form of education in arts. Universities have understood that music is probably the oldest form of expression, and incorporating it into the university curriculum will only do justice to this beautiful language.


The existence of music can go as far 50,000 years ago. The first music may have been invented in Africa, which then evolved into a principle constituent of human life. The first recorded music school in history was The Schola cantorum in the 5th century A.D. The school consisted of monks, secular clergy and boys. Later on, in 909 A.D., Well Cathedral School, England, was founded to educate choristers. In the 12th and 13th century, Notre Dame School, under the great cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, became the first reported center of polyphonic music. The school was a group of composers and singers. In the 17th and 18th century, competitive examination was conducted in the city of Naples to allow students gain music education for free. This was copied by other European areas too, including Paris, Milan and London. Today we see universities offering wide range of studies within the curriculum of music.


Universities music offers various courses that in totality complete the study of music. Universities music teaches music history, music theory, musicianship, vocals, instruments, musicology, and musical composition. Modern day music involves recording too. So, education has extended to audio recording, microphone technique and having an overview of the recording process of music. Music universities are of various forms. There are some music schools that are a part of a certain university, while others operate independently. Moreover, realizing the growing popularity of music, and how for some university education can become really expensive, there are online websites that also provide you with the same education in music as universities music would. Hence, education in music has become widespread and people are realizing it something that can become more than just a hobby.

Tips and comments

Before enrolling yourself into any universities music, you need to ask yourself a couple of question. You need to ask yourself whether or not you love music to an extent that you would want to pursue your higher education in it. You need to ask yourself whether or not you can use education in music to help you sustain yourself and your family. Other than these questions, you need to learn the fact that your dream of becoming a performer may not ever come true. You need to explore other fields within music that you can pursue, like being a music teacher or composer. So you need to be sure of the reality before pursuing a college degree in music.
