Education Universities

Top List Colleges And Universities

Published at 03/18/2012 09:22:01


Top list colleges and universities are matchless in their standard of education and atmosphere. As we are moving in the world of science and technology, we all should be educated to met our needs. For the fulfillment of our needs, a number of colleges and universities are established. These universities serve us dirtectly and our nation indirectly. All countries have their own list colleges and universities. These are responsible to meet the needs of the modern times by updating the students with sound knowledge.


First of all we will talk about the list college and universities of united states. Brown university is the best and top university in united states. It is often referred for its curriculum, teachers and their mode of studies. This is the only university of the united states in which students design their own study plans by their own. It focuses on undergraduate degree programs. It is located in the capital of Rhod island. Second is university of columbia. It is totally urban setting based university. If you are trying to get an urban look, you must go forward to take admission in this university.


They offer a long list of graduate programs for their 25000 students. In the top list colleges and universities of united states, third is cornell universityit is well known for its excellent teachers and scheme of studies. It is situated in central new york. This university also offers agricultural programs for its students. Fourth one is dartmouth university. It provides curricular extension of its challengers. It is situated in Hanover that is a town of 11,000. Like above list colleges and universities, Duke, Harvard, Princeton and other unversities of the united states are popular for their distinct features. Now we will frankly talk about the main list colleges and universities of united kingdom. First is university of cambridge. Its overall score is 1000. This one thousand score is splitted into different categories like entry standard is 559, student satisfaction is 4.1, research assessment 2.9 and graduate prospects is 85.5. Like cambridge university, oxford, Durham, st andrews, Lancaster, Edinburgh university etc have their own scores and mode of studies and dues.

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They all have different nature of faculty and their own updated syllabi. Main list college and universities of united kingdom include all the best universities found in united kingdom. Now we will discuss about the top list colleges and universities of India. This list include all private and public universitie that are established in India. Private universities are run by the person who has opened it where the public univerrsities are supported by the government. 563 universities are situated in India. These main list colleges and universities provide good quality of education to their students and teachers. The best feature of Indian universities is their nominal dues for students. On the other hand pakistani universities also provide good quality of education to the students. Teacher’s in service training institutes are necessary to be established in all countries to improve the standard of education in all top list college and universities.
