Education Universities

the Information Universities Are Required To Provide About Safety

Published at 03/12/2012 23:09:13


Universities are required to put safety structures in place as per the health and safety act. Safety refers to risk management structures that alleviate potential physical risks to the campus as well as healthy risks to all stakeholders such as students and members of the staff. The information that is required to provide safety to universities includes fire safety measures and procedures to be taken in times of emergencies.


Universities are institutions of higher learning where people obtain undergraduate and post-graduate qualifications through different academic programs. It is important to maintain a more than average standard of safety to people and property at these universities. The Health and Safety Act enforce universities to provide information about safety within the premises to the Health and safety board as well as to the public.


The safety and health act requires universities to maintain at least the safety of any individual at such universities at stipulated standard levels. In this case, universities are required to provide information as to first aid procedures to be taken in case of a disease outbreak at the compass, any injury or illness. This can be arranged through establishing a clinic at the university to service students, lectures and even visitors. It is important to avail information such as the location of the clinic within the compass, emergency phone numbers and the clinic employees to everyone.

The information which universities are required to provide about safety are the procedures and steps to be taken in times of any life threatening activity. The information include the evacuation procedures and exit points in case of fire, robbery or an unfortunate event which disrupt normal business activities that threaten human life. Closely related to the safety of property from risks such as fire include fire extinguishers, fire walls and availability of water is the appointment and training of risk management station managers who will help people on how to react if in case of a life threatening hazard. This is the information which universities are required to communicate to everyone about safety.

Risk management information should be communicated to students, staff members and visitors through different communication channels such as putting the information on notice boards in each department and entrance and exit points. This information include how the safety of university property can be enhanced such rewarding whistle blowers in case of arson and theft risks. Information on how to react in case of emergencies like providing emergency phone numbers of the police for robberies and ambulance services should be readily available and accessible to all stakeholders.

Tips and comments

Universities are learning institutions that are open to the public, therefore it is highly recommended to provide information pertaining to the safety of everyone. The information which universities are required to provide about safety should address the safety of property as well as human life from death or injury. Universities are required to comply with the Health and safety Act before they offer any service to the public. In such a case, the information which includes compliance to this act and normal service certificates of university equipment like elevators should be availed to everyone.
