Education Universities

Online Courses Universities Offer

Published at 03/20/2012 23:09:09


Online Courses Universities offer their courses on the Internet then the interested individuals select and apply for the courses of their interest in the Internet and they are also taught online with the help of Internet.


Online Courses Universities have been in the works for nearly two decades taking advantage of technological advances in the Internet to increase their students base. As the 90’s ended, Internet and technology took off and online university courses began to emerge at many traditional universities offering students a way to take alternate classes from different schools that may not have been available at their schools.

This process then began to expand from single classes to the entire online colleges and universities making it easier for students to earn their degrees despite working full-time and raising families. Since this point, online education has expanded rapidly to a point where professors are hired specifically to teach online and businesses are using Online Courses Universities offer for their employees to earn additional degrees.



Enrolling in Online Courses Universities offer is similar to enrolling in a traditional college as you would need materials such as test scores, letters of recommendation, essays and transcript. Most online universities provide video, audio or written lectures. Lessons for a course are either live or pre-recorded but most courses are offered in pre-recorded format enhanced with slide text diagrams, images and white board usage.

The Online Courses Universities offered, mainly depends on the university offering it. These courses could be degrees or certificates for instance healthcare, business, education, accounting, marketing, finance, science general, general studies, web development, information technology, mathematics, communication, philosophy, law & criminal justice,

Online Courses Universities offer contain live sessions. Students can attend the lessons at a pre-defined time and follow along with the slide text, diagrams, mind maps, images and the white board. Attending live sessions is critical as they provide live interaction with instructors on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Each week a student receives. At the live tutorial, students interact with the instructor either with a microphone or through typing their questions in the text chat box. The instructor will respond to queries via voice.

Another important feature Online Courses Universities offer is the continuous self-assessment test which allows students to quick gauge their understanding of the lessons as well focus on the key aspects they need to learn from the lessons. There various types of assessments that are used examples: self-study drills, E-portfolio, reflective questions, quandary or case study assessment.

Online Courses Universities offer also provides discussion forum, these are means by which students are able to maintain a steady conversation with everyone else, which is their fellow classmates, TAs, instructors and everyone else throughout the course. TA and instructors can all post on the forum; posts may include requests to the students and questions from the students. Students are strongly encouraged to share thoughts and ask questions via the forum.



Online Courses Universities offer is one advancement that have brought about revolution to education all over the world as it allows the university to reach many students all over the world and hence ideas from different parts of the world are exchanged and not to forget cultural exchange due to socialization.
