Education Universities

5 Top Usa Universities

Published at 03/21/2012 20:04:11


The United States of America (USA) is one of the most advance first world continents with state of the art technology and industrialization. It is considered industrialized with its concentration on industry rather than the agrarian times. It has also been rated to have one of the best education systems in the world and top universities harboring the brightest and brilliant persons in the world. You may need to advance your education, go for and exchange program or even transfer from your state university to top USA universities. Here is some information on the 5 top USA universities where you will get the best education in the world.

Top USA Universities

The top ranked USA University is the Harvard University which was founded in 1636 and also one of the oldest universities in the country. It has 10 colleges and schools which are Harvard College, medical school, law school, and business school, school of education and Kennedy school of government. Most presidents of the USA are alumni’s of the Harvard University including John.F.Kennedy and Barrack Obama. It is located in Boston, Cambridge Massachusetts in the USA. It offers one of the best curriculums and systems that apply to the daily world and produces one of the best leaders and innovators in the world and the reason why it is ranked as the top USA universities. The second top USA university is the Yale university which was founded in 1701 and located in new haven, CT. Yale has the seventh largest research library in the world according to state It has three main schools which include Yale College with undergraduate program, graduate school of arts and science and other professional schools like the top-notch law school. The university holds one of the best library facilities and system, museums and administrative support offices thus the reason why it is highly rated in second place of the 5 top USA universities. The third most top USA Universities is the Princeton University founded in 1746 and located in Princeton, NJ. It is one of the most prestigious and selective ivy leagues schools. It provides graduate and undergraduate programs in engineering, humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. It has within the campus an art museum and a history museum. It is a top state of the art university with the highly regarded education curriculum.

Other High Ranked US UNiversities

Stanford University comes in fourth place of the 5 top USA universities. It was founded in 1885 in Palo Alto, California and it is the top USA universities renowned for its research and science facilities as well as an astonishing education system. It has within it seven different colleges and schools three of which are undergraduate system. The other graduate schools are school of engineering, school of medicine, school of education, school of business and law school. It has a very unique system and affordable tuition fees. The firth ranked top USA universities is the Colombia University. It was founded in 1754 and is located in New York City. It is reported to be the best Ivy League universities for research. It has graduate programs which include education, business, law and medicine which are one of the best in the country. It also has three undergraduate schools which are Colombia College, the FU foundation school of engineering and applied science and the school of general studies. It has one of the best facilities in research and this will definitely make it fall under the top USA universities.


The five universities above are all located in the USA and are the best and top USA universities.
