Education Universities

About Universities Apply Forms

Published at 03/27/2012 16:54:23


Universities are institutions of higher learning that offers undergraduate and post-graduate qualifications. The process of enrolling to any university is through completing and submitting an application form together with supporting documents such as high school education certificate and personal identity documents. What you need to know about universities application forms are how to complete them and the information required.


Universities have designed apply forms that are used during student enrollment process to speed up the screening process. These forms are downloaded from the website of any university of your choice or collecting a hard copy from the university’s campus.


Universities apply forms require personal information that include personal identity details such as full name, identity number, gender, country or place of origin and residential address. The information regarding the country of origin helps to evaluate if you have the necessary study permit which is a pre-requisite on registration. The personal information has to be supported by a copy of your identity document. Universities apply forms require your academic information which is your level of education, school attended and the pass marks. This should be substantiated by a copy of your academic certificates. If you are using the 'mature entry route', then relevant documentation like your curriculum vitae and employment reference letters will be required instead of a high school certificate. Again, the university form asks about the academic program that you want to study. In some cases the university would allow you to choose three options with your best preference as the first option. The apply form will ask you on how you would want study such as part-time basis, full time, distance education or online studying.

Student application forms are downloaded from the university’s website or can be collected from the university’s campus. After completing the form, it can be posted, hand delivered or emailed to the university’s student enrollment department together with the supporting documentation. In most cases the University may require original documents to verify the copies submitted but may not influence the university’s decision unless otherwise. The university apply form is submitted together with a non-refundable application. Alternatively, some forms can be completed and submitted online with the supporting documentation as attachments. It is important to note that the registration process and the payment of the study fees will follow after your application is successful. University apply forms is the first step of communicating with the university regarding any program that you want to study. Application forms are only submitted to the University following an advertisement on their website or any communication channel and at the beginning if the university’s academic year.

Tips and comments

The process of completing a university apply form is very simple and the steps involved are easy to follow. All the documents required to be submitted with the form is indicated per each section which becomes user friendly. If you want to get a career related qualification, university education is the best. Universities offer degree programs, master’s degrees, doctorate degrees and other post-graduate qualifications.
