Education Universities

5 Best Culinary Arts Universities

Published at 04/05/2012 16:21:00


The culinary field is one of the fastest growing fields in the world. If your dream is to become a culinary master, then you will need to consider some culinary arts universities to set you on the right path. Deciding on a culinary art university is not something to be taken lightly, it's actually one of the biggest decisions you could make to begin your career.

Things to Consider

The culinary industry is a very different type of industry compared to many other types of occupations. The culinary industry is not a typical 9-5 job, and the same goes for culinary arts universities and the classes you'll be taking. There will be some days where you'll be studying and taking classes on the weekends and some days where you'll be in class until midnight. When deciding on culinary arts universities, understand that the schedule is hectic and you may not have much time to spend with friends and family.

Great Culinary Universities

Institute of Culinary Education: The Institute of Culinary Education is located right in the center of the Big Apple in New York City. In order to enroll, students must have previous college experience of at least two years. This school offers a fast, intense and top curriculum for those who are looking to get into he culinary field.

Texas Culinary Academy: The Texas Culinary Academy is one of the several culinary arts universities that has a great reputation and has been around for over 20 years. The Texas Culinary Academy offers modern facilities as well as was voted the best of culinary university in the United States.

The International Culinary School at The Art Institute of Washington: The International Culinary School at The Art Institute of Washington is one of the top notch culinary arts universities. This school offers a very broad curriculum, ranging from baking and pastries to culinary arts management. This is the perfect university to attend if you're looking to learn all the aspects of the culinary world.

Why Go To Culinary School?

When browsing through all the culinary arts universities, you need to consider why you're even considering going to culinary school in the first place. Maybe you have a real passion for food or maybe you have a great palate. The culinary world is not only very competitive but it's also a great way to open doors to the entrepreneurial world. When attending one of the culinary arts universities, you should be set and ready to be taught all different methods of cooking. You will have several different instructors and will learn all the creative methods of making outstanding dishes.



You should understand that besides cooking, you'll learn several other things in culinary school. For example, you'll learn the business aspect of it, in case you ever do want to open your own restaurant. You'll also learn the sanitation and food safety aspect of the culinary world. In culinary arts universities, you also will learn that cooking is really a team effort and there is entire squadron behind the scenes.
