List Of Accredited On Line Universities
Education Universities

List Of Accredited On Line Universities

Published at 12/28/2011 01:40:07


List Of Accredited On Line Universities

Attending an accredited on line college or university is very important for your future, especially when you are considering a post-graduation after your studies. Whether you are enrolled in a certificate program or a program that will earn you an associate’s, bachelors, or graduate degree, you must make sure that your school has been accredited by an approved accrediting agency. When looking for an online university, always consider accredited on line universities as they will, at least, not be fraud. Accreditation universities are basically those that have qualified the funding faculty, training and curriculum standards. These universities provide degrees which are academically challenging and are designed to provide you with the same education as in any other traditional university. However, the credibility of these universities is still questionable. Websites such as provide you with a list of universities that are well recognized.


List Of Accredited On Line Universities

The concept of accredited on line universities was adopted when there cropped a lot of fake, fraudulent educational institutes providing substandard education over the internet. This is still the case with many institutes offering online courses. Hence, the system of accreditation was incorporated so that people are not fooled into paying hefty fees online for nothing. Despite this system, there are still many unaccredited universities. You must always look through the list of accredited on line universities so that you are not looted.


List Of Accredited On Line Universities

Universities such as Pen States University, named “world campus,” offers more than 60 courses with a highly recognized online degree available as well. East Carolina is also one of the most recognized online universities. According to Get educated, it is one of the top most universities for business management. Apart from these universities, Oklahoma City University and University of Wyoming are also recognized for their standards as they offer a variety of online classes. Also, according to Online Education database, Nova Southeastern University and Regent University are amongst the top most. This database rates the universities according to the financial aids provided, graduation, acceptance and retention rates.

Tips and comments

Studying from universities which are not accredited risk your career in the professional world as these degrees will not be worth paying for since they do not have any value in your chosen profession. Even though you believe that you have paid a lot of money still your academic degree will not be able to provide you with a good job and all your time, effort and money will go to waste. It will be very difficult for you to find a job with a reputable employer and you will not be able to enroll yourself in your post graduate degree. Therefore, always consider an accredited university so that your money gets its worth and you have a degree which you can practice. These universities offer gazillions of degrees but what is the worth of these degrees when you cannot practice them in the real world. Unaccredited universities are only interested in making money and nothing else. They are not concerned with your career or education or money, therefore, providing you with a worthless degree. More care should be taken when applying online and only opt for accredited on line universities. It will not make them lose anything but you will lose a lot so make sure what you are going for.
