Finance Credit

Reporting Credit Errors To Credit Reporting Agencies

Published at 03/15/2012 17:16:35


Checking your credit report is an important task that everyone should do. There could be errors on your report and reporting credit errors is something that you want to do as soon as possible. After reporting credit errors, the credit reporting agency or agencies will look into the issues and if they are found to be actual errors you can have these removed. Reporting credit errors should be done in a timely manner. The longer these mistakes are allowed to stay, the more harm they are doing to your credit profile. Each time your credit file is looked at by a potential lender, these items are seen as belonging to you. You are the only one who can take care of reporting credit errors on your report, as you are the only one with the information on whether or not these items are mistakes or not.

You should obtain your credit report from the three credit reporting agencies. These are Trans Union, Exquifax and Experian. Each person is allowed to access their report for free once per year. Even if you believe your report is accurate, you should do this. You are able to request your report over the telephone and have it mailed to you or you can access it online and see all of the information immediately.

You will have to enter your information, such as name and social security number. You will then be asked a series of questions about previous addresses, mortgages or loans. You will then be able to see your credit report.

Your report will be broken up into sections. One being your personal information. This will be your name, where you live or have lived and your employment information. You will then have a section for all of your credit accounts. You will see which accounts are being paid as agreed upon and any that are late or delinquent. Go over all of the information contained in your report.

After reading over everything in your credit report, you can now note any items that you believe are errors. Reporting credit errors is quite easy. If you are viewing your reports online, you can simply click the dispute button for the item or items that you wish to dispute. You are then able to note why you think this item is an error. The credit reporting agency then contacts the party and they work together to determine whether or not it is in fact an error. The party has a certain amount of time to confirm the validity of the mark on your credit report. If they do not do this in time, or they cannot provide the proof that it is in fact correct, it will be removed. This is done within 30 days.

You can also phone the credit reporting agencies in order to file a dispute. You will speak to a representative in order to initiate the dispute. You will receive a notice in the mail once the investigation into the dispute is finished and you will be informed of the outcome.

Tips and comments

It is important to check all three credit reports. Items on one report may not be on another. Each report may very well have different information. Reporting credit report errors must be done with each company separately. Disputing with one company, does not carry over to the other two, therefore the mistaken item will only be removed from one out of the three reports unless you take the time to dispute with all three.


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