Health Mental Health

Jobs Available To People Having Mentalhealth Problems

Published at 02/25/2012 20:50:15


Hectic lifestyle and a wide and varied range of emotional and even health problems are often the reason for a various mentalhealth problems. An increasing number of men and women have to face mental health problems to varying degrees. A person with mentalhealth problems either loses his job or finds it hard to get a job and often this disappointment leads to more mental stress and health issues.

In these days of economic hardships, financial strain and homelessness are the main cause for people who were in mentally good health face emotional problems. This kind of mental health problems often gets resolved when the person finds a job.


There are many who face mental tension and exhaustion because of work pressure. An otherwise normal person may lose his cool and snap and behave irrationally because he is unable to cope with pressure at work. Worries of an uncertain future and not knowing if he will get this next paycheck often take a huge toll on a person’s mentalhealth.
This kind of mental health problem is very common and even persons holding successful jobs face it. While most of the time the mental pressure and tension is under control and does not affect the job, it can have serious repercussion if left untreated. Psychiatric help and prescribed drugs will help gain good mentalhealth.

If a person feels that he needs help he can get the help of counselors. Many companies offer counseling services to employees. The management and co employees offer support and help monitor progress and overcome it. Family and friends also play an important role in mentalhealth well being. The knowledge that he will not lose his job and there are people to support him is a comforting feeling and helps in recovery of a person with mental health issues. A change in work routine and working hours and even change in the type of work done will help during the recovery period.

While all efforts are made legally and ethically to remove all kinds of discrimination at the work place a person with mental health problems is often discriminated. A physically challenged person is often accepted as an equal and given equal opportunity. This however is not the case with mentally challenge persons who can be equally if not more bright, and capable than people whose are in good mentalhealth.


People with mental health face social stigma and are shunned by employers when they come to know about the mental condition. The unemployment rate among people with severe mental illness is high and they become a burden to the family and society. People with mild mental issues however can refrain from telling about their condition when looking for a job.

This however may be difficult for those who were severely affected and have recovered to a large extent after treatment. This is because they will find it difficult to explain their absence from work during their treatment phase.

Tips and comments

Government, private and religious organizations have many programs that help the mentally challenged find meaning employment. They offer training and employment opportunities for people suffering from mentalhealth conditions. Depending on the capabilities of the person he is sure to find a job that will help him earn an income.
