Health Mental Health

Importance Of Mental Health Health in Overall Health

Published at 03/02/2012 16:13:13


Most people consider their health to be one of the most important things in their life and they will go to great measures to preserve it as long as possible. They will eat as good as possible, take vitamins and supplements, visit their doctor regularly, exercise daily, reduce stress and cut out bad habits in order to maintain overall health. Bad health can reduce quality of life significantly by reducing mobility, making the sufferer feel ill a lot and sometimes even causing depression if bad health is causing the person to not enjoy life anymore. A very important aspect of overall health is mental health health and people will also go to great lengths to preserve mental health health as well. Mental health health can affect a person from the time they are born, can happen later in life or could be part of another underlying illness. Either way, mental health health is very important to overall health.


Mental health health can be defined loosely as emotional well-being. Mental health health is said to be failing when a person feels depressed all the time, a person has emotional problems, a person can’t function in normal settings, a person is afraid to interact with others, a person sees or hears things that are not there, a person does things and does not realize they are doing them, a person hurt others, a person hurts themselves or, in extreme cases, a person is suicidal or attempts suicide. Some mental health health disorders that affect overall health are schizophrenia, Bi-polar disorder, anti-social personality disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and psychoses. New mothers sometimes experience depression called post partum depression and some people may experience a severe bout of depression after the death of a loved one or loss of a job. No one is except from mental health health disorders as they can strike anyone at any time no matter if they are a man or a woman and there age or background is. While it is true that some disorders are thought to run in families, that is not all that common.


Some way to prevent mental health health problems include keeping active and partaking in many hobbies, exercise daily, eat healthy, spend time with loved ones and try to keep stress at bay. Other things you can do include taking B vitamins which help level out moods and visiting your doctor regularly to make sure there are no irregularities with your mental health health.

Tips and comments

If you were born with mental health health problems or you develop mental health health problems at some point in your life, there are ways to get this under control. First of all, you need to recognize problems and try to figure out when and where they began and what might of triggered it. Than you need to speak with your doctor and see if there is anything he or she can do to help you. You may need to take anti-depressants or other drugs to get your brain chemistry back to where it was before. Sometimes, your doctor may refer you to a mental health health specialist such as a psychologist or psychiatrist who will counsel you and speak with you about your problem and they might also prescribe a drug to help you.
