Health Mental Health

Environmental Health Problems Caused By Coal Mining

Published at 03/11/2012 22:56:19


Coal is an energy source that is made of various organic matter including methane gas, water, oils and minerals. The health hazards and environmental problems that a type of coal poses depends on its composition.


Coal burning and mining cause environmental health problems. If the coal is of high quality, i.e., it is low in ash, sulfur and other trace elements, and if the latest sophisticated pollution control technology are used, then it is possible to capture most of the trace elements and 99% of the particulates released during coal combustion.

But if low quality coal is used, and if post-combustion pollution control methods are not used, then there can be serious environmental health problems when coal is burnt for fuel. This is very common in many underdeveloped and developing countries. The coal is burnt in places that have poor ventilation and can cause severe environmental health problems.

Coal containing high arsenic content poses serious environmental health problems. It causes hyperkeratosis and Bowen’s disease. The smoke of coal having a high percentage of mercury causes various neurological disorders that include blindness and loss of hearing.

Coal is used to generate electricity and it is estimated that 5.5 billion short tons of coal are mined every year for this purpose. Apart from this, hundreds of millions of tons of coal are burnt in various countries due to accidental fires. Coal burnt due to spontaneous combustion or lightning emits huge quantities of toxic gases and trace elements that are highly harmful to living organisms and cause irreparable damage and environmental health problems.


Open pit mining needs large quantities of water, and because of this, the groundwater that is needed for agriculture and domestic use is drastically cut. Agricultural productivity is hugely affected. The quality of water in the area is also affected by surface mining activities.

Large quantities of sulphuric acids are produced as a result of coal mining and this is drained into rivers and water sources, thus contaminating them and causing environmental health problems. Ground water that has traces of toxic trace elements becomes unfit for human consumption, for agriculture and even for bathing and household uses. It also affects cattle and other livestock.

Strip mining harms the soil and the vegetation and affects small and big animals. Indiscriminate mining has lead to serious disturbances to the habitat of wild animals. While bigger animals are displaced from their homes, smaller animals like reptiles and small mammals become endangered. The food chain is disrupted and destroyed.

Coal releases large quantities of carbon monoxide and is considered the biggest reason for CO2 in the atmosphere. One fourth of this gas is absorbed by the ocean thereby increasing ocean acidification. Coal mining produces greenhouse gases like methane which are a major reason for environmental health problems.

Tips and comments

Coal particulates are responsible for over one million deaths each year across the world. Extensive studies have been done by governmental organizations to determine the harmful effects of coal and coal mining. As a result of these findings, legislations have been implemented to reduce the harmful effects.
