Health Mental Health

Do You Have To Go To Hospital Mental Health

Published at 03/20/2012 03:00:51


The mind is the most critical part of the body. All of man’s thoughts, decisions, plans, feelings, course of action and everything that causes people to move, act and behave are processed in our minds. That is why taking necessary measures to ensure that the mind is functioning well and healthy should be one of the top priorities in one’s life. Without a sound mind, our quality of life will suffer tremendously.

There certainly are a lot of questions concerning matters of mental health issues. One of the important questions in taking care of people with mental problems is, do you have to go to the hospital?


Mental illness is one the biggest health concerns in our present world. It is considered as one of the fastest rising illnesses among the people in the country. The rate of people affected by this sickness is very alarming. Current statistics show that one in every four people suffers from mental problems. Another study shows that about 10% of children have a certain mental problem. The world Health Organization reports that there are approximately 450 million people who have mental problems worldwide. As the numbers of people who are affected by this sickness continue to rise, there is a need to properly address the factors which causes this to happen as well as improve the quality of care and services given to the patients.


There is a great need to understand the hospitalization for mental health patients. First and foremost, the purpose of hospitalization for a patient with mental health issues is to provide a safe and secure environment for the protection of both the patient and the people around him/her. This is also for the stabilization of acute symptoms, waiting for it to subside and allowing the medications to take its effect on the patient. It is in the hospital where the patient gets the help of doctors and professional counselors for them to cope up with their condition and find the necessary medication or the treatment.

Now depending on the severity of the patient’s mental condition, different methods and procedures will be applied and used. There are no general methods being applied to all patients. Every approach varies depending on the case of the patient. Some may be needed to be confined in a locked room to be isolated for a certain period of time until they are ready to be let out while others may be required to share a room with someone else. Others may be required to strictly follow a schedule of routine activities in order to address areas in their condition. Some may have to take a series of physical and mental health tests to make appropriate assessments. Depending on the patient’s condition, the kind of approach and methods will be based on the individual’s needs.

Regarding the question of do you have to go to hospital, here’s the answer. Not all people with mental health problems need to go to the hospital. People with mental health concerns generally need to set an appointment with a psychiatrist or to some cases behavioral psychologists. These specialists are equipped in addressing concerns pertaining to mental health. When does a person having mental problems need to go to hospital? There are specific symptoms and signs that indicate the need for hospitalization. Hallucinations, delusions, thinking or talking too fast without making any sense, feeling exhausted or depressed, not eating or no sleep for a number of days, having a problem with alcohol or substance intake and thoughts of hurting one’s self and others; these are all indications that hospitalization is needed.

Tips and comments

Having a mental problem is not something to be ashamed of. Rather, it must be confronted and dealt with personally. This condition can happen to anyone, no exemptions. People with this condition need support and understanding. Family and friends play a big role in the treatment of this sickness. Keeping an open mind is essential in addressing this concern. Remember not to judge the people who are suffering from this problem. Instead, give a helping hand and become a part of the solution.
