Health Mental Health

Causes Of Health Mental Retardation

Published at 03/19/2012 10:51:52


It is unfortunate to see that some people are not blessed with a good mental condition. The development in the field of medicine has resulted in the reduction of the number of people who gets affected with health mental retardation. Normally people affected with this kind of problem would exhibit low intellectual skills when compared to those with normal mental health condition. Some people would not be able to help themselves in doing their day to day activities. They might need someone to assist them all the time. So the health mental retardation if found in any person, might need immediate medical attention. The modern day vaccines and medicines would play a trivial role, when it comes to treating these kinds of illness.


Right from the early and at least until a century ago, those people who are affected with health mental retardation were treated in an unkind manner. These people were considered to be a burden by almost everyone who lives around them. And the treatment for these kinds of people was not established and no one was willing to consider this as a deteriorated health condition. Instead the people with mental disabilities were considered to be punished by the gods for their past life sins, and hence no one was kind to them. During the 20th century, Alfred Binet, was the first person, to come up with a method for calculating the efficiency of children’s brain. There after many different studies revealed the fact that the mental health retardation is due to the irregularities found in the brain of the affected person, when compared to a normal brain.


There are many different factors that would result in health mental retardation

Down syndrome: Cells form the major portion of the human body. Each cell would contain 46 chromosomes within them. These chromosomes are responsible for determining the behaviors or characteristics of any person. For a normal person, there should be 46 chromosomes within each cell. But during the development of these cells, certain metabolic activities might lead to the formation of an additional chromosome, resulting in the formation of 47 chromosomes within a cell. This additional chromosome will have a direct impact on the development of the brain and hence would result in health mental retardation.

Inherited Metabolic Disorders: There presence of genes within the cells is responsible for the development of the brain. If some of these genes are affected, then it might affect the brain development process thus resulting in the health mental retardation.

Maternal Rubella syndrome: It is common for people to get affected by rubella, which is just a viral infection. But if a women who in her early stages of pregnancy, gets affected with this infection, the virus will affect the brain development of the fetus and it would make the new born baby get affected with health mental retardation.

Brain fever: The most common illness that would cause mental retardation in new born babies is the brain fever. This kind of fever is caused by bacterial or viral infections and would affect the brain of the new born baby.

Tips and comments

• Always have a checkup with the doctors to detect the presence of brain damage if any, in new born babies.
• Always treat the people affected by health mental retardation with kindness, as they are just babies even so many years after birth.
