Health Mental Health

Will Medicare Cover Mental Health Inpatient

Published at 03/22/2012 17:07:36


Health insurance is today’s number one necessity. It is because it is inevitable for someone to prevent occurrences of medical problems. With Medicare, a type of health insurance, hospitalization and medication fees have become accessible and convenient. Thus, it is advised that everyone applies for a health insurance once an income is acquired. It can provide you with various monetary benefits in terms of expenses used during health protection, illness prevention including diagnostic tools and medical treatments. The most frequently asked question in the regards to Medicare is that, does it cover a mental health inpatient? In medical terminology, mental health inpatients are best described as individuals who are undergoing neurologic therapy in an institution. This article would answer this common query and bring forth additional information about how Medicare works.


President Harry Truman was the first authority to put forward a program that entitles individuals to apply for a prepaid insurance for health purposes in 1945. In 1965, President Johnson created both the Medicare and Medicaid Bill a form of social security for the public. After that memorandum, various changes and developments were incorporated with health insurance to further accommodate a wide range of individuals. As of today, Medicare accommodates 48 million individuals of varying age. To answer the existing question, Medicare covers mental health inpatients and many health related problems. Their health benefits offered are composed of 4 parts namely hospital insurance including mental health inpatients, medical insurance, Medicare advantage plan and prescription drugs plan.


What are the things one should know in terms of the coverage of Medicare for mental health inpatients? As mentioned earlier, under Medicare Part A also known as hospital insurance covers inpatients in mental institutions. However, if a patient is undergoing treatment in a specified psychiatric facility, Medicare Part A only covers a total of 190 days of inpatient treatment. Aside from Medicare Part A, Original Medicare also covers mental health inpatients. In terms of reimbursement or compensation, Medicare measures your hospitalization services and fees in terms of benefit period. What is this? It is simply the duration of hospitalization days you have incurred.

Once you are discharged, a benefit period ends after 60 days that you have not receive hospital services. Another benefit period will be counted once you undergo hospitalization after the 60 days period. Medicare for mental health inpatient use covers payments for all hospital necessities except for the following; a private nurse, personal necessities such as tooth paste, private room unless it is essential and recreational appliances such TV and telephone. Other that these mentioned exceptions, all things available inside the facility or hospital is covered by Medicare.

Tips and comments

For Medicare patients, especially those who have family or relative that are treated as a mental health inpatient, it is highly recommended that you inform your physicians if there are other Medicare plans available. Medicare plans cover different benefits depending on your plan. It would be best if you can avail all plans available since all types of medical expenditures are expensive. For younger individuals, do not wait until you are already reach a degenerative age before applying for a health insurance. Remember, most psychological disorders occur without known underlying factors. You may or may not experience treatment under a mental health inpatient. However, it is still advised that securities against financial problems are made before it is too late.
