Health Mental Health

Will the Police Department Hire People With Mental Health Problems?

Published at 03/26/2012 13:47:12


Most children dream of becoming an honorable police officer. For most, fighting crimes and restoring peace and orderliness is a heroic act. Beneath a police officer’s super hero façade is extensive training and efficient decision making skills. Most individuals would ask if individuals with mental health problems are eligible candidate for a law enforcement position. This article would tackle about the idea of becoming a police officer. Through this, one may discern and estimate necessary qualifications needed for this job opportunity and career including individuals incurring mental health problems. How does one become a police officer?


Dating back the history of law enforcement, one may observe that in the ancient times police officers are already present. However, way back before the age of civilization, justice system is carried out by tribal leaders. During this time, mental health problems are not yet well studied and researched. Thus, there is no way of discerning if a certain individual is suffering from a severe psychotic state or just minor behavioral changes. As progress incurred, civilization took place and thus, law making has become more organized. It is noted in the history that the pioneering police officers were under the command of the Roman Empire around 27 BC. It was Gaius Octavius, descendant of Julius Caesar who initialized this organization. In the middle ages, the patrol system has become popular. By the year 1500, all countries have built a police system in their locality that aims to control, patrol and defend every citizen against crimes and injustices. During these days, there are no strict policies involved in screening competent police officers. Thus, individuals suffering from mental health problems are unnoticed and unscreened.


Today, becoming a police officer is not an easy task. With the rising population, competence is necessary in every job application. What exactly are the requirements to become a law enforcement agent? Does having mental health problems affect your candidacy? First and foremost, physical training is the number one criterion for every job application in regard to law enforcement. To be able to patrol the streets and chase criminals, one must be physical fit and with sufficient training. Another qualification is educational background. A Police officer’s job is not centralized with physical action alone there are also reports to be passed. One must be able to explain certain scenarios undertaken in a professional level with corresponding legal actions. Thus, a college degree specifically in regards to law is necessary. These two factors are the major key to the success of your job application.

To answer one’s query in regards to mental health problems; that would depend on what type of neurological disorder is at hand. There are several disorders relating to mental health problems, some are manageable while others are severe. Minor cases such as depression and anxiety are mental health problems that can be treated with the right coping mechanism. If your physician can certify that you are mentally fit, you are an eligible candidate. However, keep in mind that being a police officer is a stressful job. It is necessary to pass situational analysis tests that would measure you decision making abilities.

Tips and comments

In severe mental health problems such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and other degenerative diseases, it would be best to prefer a less stressful job. Becoming a police officer may be an honorable career but always remember that this type of job needs a well suited candidate that presents strength, intelligence and a calm temperament.
