Health Mental Health

Tips For Staying Calm During a Mental Health Crisis

Published at 03/28/2012 21:28:04


We deal with many challenges everyday that life throws at us but when the unthinkable presents itself none of us can be sure how we’ll respond to it. At times of mental health crisis, body’s automatic response to a perceived threat or attack manifests in a form of 'fight or flight’ response. Sometimes the body appears to go on 'auto-pilot'. The key to retain control of events during mental health crises and be more proactive than reactive, a person should be prepared and balanced in his or her life. Here are five steps for dealing with mental health crises

Step 1

Tip#1: Build your life on values

If the world around you is falling out today, what you did yesterday may seem irrelevant. But living your life in a certain manner can make a difference when mental health crises come to shove it. Being very clear on your values and living your life in a manner that is consistent with those values gives your life the required direction. Having a clear idea of what's really important in your life may help you act to preserve it in times of mental health crises.

Step 2

Tip#2: Prepare an action plan

Being prepared for mental health crisis is always helpful even if you are convinced that you don’t need it. Knowing what to do when crisis arise or having an action plan often gives you a sense of control and direction. It is always better to respond to mental health crises in a proactive manner than reactive. You should retain the control of crises rather than crises compelling you to act in a manner that is not yours.

Step 3

Tip#3: Breather and relax

Simple as it seems, by breathing you can let go of most of the tension that blocks your ability to think and allow yourself to think clearer. Studies show that during mental health crisis the cardiovascular and respiratory systems speed up and often go into 'overdrive'. Breathing deeply will help slow down the physical body, which allows the mental and emotional body to slow down as well.


Tip#4: Appreciate yourself

Nothing helps like a positive self esteem in the times of mental health crises. To boost up your self esteem you can do some positive self-talk before and during crisis. If you keep telling yourself how brave you are again and again, it gets hardwired in your brain and helps you overcome your fear. Never think that the trouble is bigger than you. Courage is facing adversity in the face of fear. People who manage to let courage trump their fear act more quickly, responsibly, safely, and ultimately heroically in crisis.

Tip#5: Stay focused

The most important thing you can do when suffering from mental health crisis is to stay very mindful of the present situation and remain focused on the most useful action you can take to pull yourself out of it. It is not the right time for scanning your past or staring into hollowed future. Soldiers in combat use this technique frequently to fight the tough mental conditions they put up with. Mindfulness is a skill that can be improved with practice.

