Health Mental Health

Who Investigates Occupational Environmental Health

Published at 03/27/2012 19:00:46


Very few people have an idea of the exact meaning of the term occupational environmental health. In relation to the limited exposure of people to this term and its significance, it is not given much importance. Now many health institutions are trying to make this concept popular and applicable. Recently some renowned institutions have launched the sector of monitoring the occupational environmental health from the beginning of this year. A gradual increase in the popularity of this concept has led to involvement of more and more professionals towards this side. Basically this area involves a vast survey and analysis of the different aspects of nature like materials, science, health and life.


All the people from different parts of the world are being invited and some are even recruited to take the opportunity of checking their occupational environmental health. It is hoped that this concept will be popularized soon and people will soon be getting the importance and necessity of getting their occupational environmental health investigated. This is very important to judge the health and quality of the immediate environment in which you work. The value and standards of the environmental health vary from place to place and different working environments. Therefore knowing these values and standards is very important for everyone working in a specific working environment.


The importance of investigation of the occupational environmental health can be judged from the fact that our immediate working environment has a direct impact of the health and well being of the individuals. It is specifically important to assess the occupational environmental health of especially those areas which are continuously victimized by the natural disasters. California is among those parts of the world which receive most of the natural disasters and therefore it needs to be assessed and investigated by the specialists for most of the time.
The working environment in California is at the greatest risk and that is why its occupational environmental health is repeatedly assessed by the experts. Normally the environmental experts serve the job of investigating and evaluating the environmental health of the occupational areas. The expert professionals of the University of the State serve as the major investigators of the occupational environmental health. The legislation was passed in 1978 according to which the educational researches and services have been authorized in the northern and southern California. Another institute of the same line has been established in Los Angeles as well.

Tips and comments

The major activities involved in the investigation of the occupational environmental health are based on the various educational programs formulated in these institutions. These involve multidisciplinary educational programs including different expertise like medicine, nursing, public health and related areas. Following main aims of the investigation of occupational environmental health are as follows:
• Educate future leaders of health and the environment
• Develop new areas of knowledge based on already established lines. It will ultimately give rise to establishment of new disciplines.
• Take public resources for investigation of the environmental health. This will also lead to many discoveries and new areas of research.

