Health Mental Health

About Government Mental Health Resources.

Published at 03/30/2012 20:50:42


With the increasing problems created by modern world, such as stress and bad eating, new problems and health problems appeared. People that are concerned about this problem are pressing the government to do something about it. While the non-governmental organizations are doing everything necessary to use the mental health resources for good purposes, without the implication of the government, it seems like there is no chance for those problems to be solved. This is why the authorities have to create some mental health resources to solve those problems.


On the other hand, mental health problems are not so easy to diagnose. People that seem normal, people that we meet on the streets every day could suffer from light or severe problems of this kind. Many of those problems are not curable, and this is why the mental health resources must be used more for preventing, instead of curing those problems. How can this be done? The authorities have to impose strict rules to the private employers, to reduce the workload of the employees, and to reduce the level of stress.

It is commonly known that organizations and corporations are overloading their employees with tasks. Especially during those times of financial recession, instead of hiring new people, companies prefer to use the employees they already have at their maximum capacity. Worried by the perspective of losing their jobs, the respective people accept this state of fact. The mental health resources of the government must ensure that those people work only according to the law, and that they are only doing decent hours of overtime.


Creating mental health resources is another problem of the authorities. The public health insurance system is not capable of ensuring those sums. Sure, there are some money at the disposal of mental health institutions, but it is still not enough. the efforts must be commune, so the non-governmental organizations and the public institutions could do something about it.
First, the mental health resources must be used for reducing the general level of stress of the society. Moreover, it seems like family problems are other reasons for mental health problems, and with good family education and planning, those problems might disappear. In this case, we are talking about changing the basis of the society, and this is not that easy.

Tips and comments

As said before, it is better to prevent than to treat. However, even if those problems happen, there must be good facilities and well prepared professionals ready to treat the patients. For this, the mental health resources must be used to create new mental health facilities, and professionals that are able to treat those problems without stuffing the patients with chemicals and medicines. The modern mental health institutions are treating the patients with psychotherapy, and with mental exercises. The era of leather belts and upholstered rooms is over, and families that are bringing their ill relatives to those institutions expect modern methods to treat those problems. While in the past, families brought their ill members to those facilities just to get rid of them, today, they are expecting for those doctors to use the mental health resources and to cure the patients.
