Health Mental Health

Is the National Institute Of Mental Health Located in Washington Dc?

Published at 04/02/2012 14:33:08


The National Institute of Mental Health is one of the sister concerns of National Institutes of Health. It was established in the year 1949 and this institute does research on mental illness. It has it’s headquarter at Maryland near Washington DC USA. This institute does research on the mental illness and create innovative ways to make the patients free from the mental illness. They do the researches on the behavior of a mental illness patient and try to find out the disorders what he has in his behavior. They also research about the trifle changes the mind goes through in the time of mental illness. Their main mission is to give the mental patients liberty from their illness with care.


National Institute of Mental Health researches a lot to find out the features of the behavior of a man who is having mental illness. The behavior is different in different stages of the illness. They try to find out the characteristics and search the reason of the madness. They make a chart of different kinds of mental illness and its different stages to intervene the patient better. They make a lot of innovative ideas to cope with the disorder of the mental patients and fight the illness with definite medicine and way to make him or her cure as quick as possible. They have a will to create a world where mental illness can be carefully judged and then completely cured. They make discoveries on the continuous changes of brain so that the path can be discovered properly. They try to understand the actual way of the treatment of the particular patient as the doors of entering the brain of a mentally ill patient is different from one another. This very method has made them successful to research on the mental illness better.

Treated mental illnesses

National Institute of Mental Health takes care of various mental diseases. They make researches to get the way of treatment of them and cure them. They do researches on the mental illness based on anxiety. Some of the diseases are Anxiety Disorder, Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Phobia etc. There are other disorders which can happen in the case of mental illness like Autism Spectral Disorders, Personality disorder borderline, Bipolar disorder etc. They try to create the method of inventing out the methods of curing them. But they try to show the ideas of preventing them also as prevention is the best medicine.

Treatment Process

National Institute of Mental Health provides medicine for various mental illnesses though all the mental illness cannot be cured by the assistance of medicine only. For those illness psychotherapies are the best options which they follow. There are Brain Stimulation therapies which can also help to cure the mental patients better. They also make a lot of researches to prevent the mental disorder as the number of patients is increasing day by day of mental illness as the stress is increasing in the life of most of the men. Therefore prevention research for mental illness is the most demanding research by National Institute of Mental Health.


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