Health Mental Health

Who Regulates Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration in Us?

Published at 04/03/2012 01:11:12


The Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration is the institute that has been given the responsibility to deal with the different kind of mental disorders or illness or trauma. It is a part of federal government and maintains the rules and regulations and also gives certification to the laboratories that work for the transportation department specimens. The certificate given by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration is considered to be the highest of all the certifications given to the laboratories. If any of the laboratories receive this certificate, it means the laboratory is of the highest quality and the processing has been done in the most accurate way possible. After receiving this certificate, the transportation department also becomes eligible for testing the specimen that may not belong to the transportation department. Receiving this kind of certificate is a prestigious event in the history of the respective laboratories.

The protocol:

SAMHSA is the standard that has been set by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration team and it includes a set of drugs that the transportation department is capable of testing. This protocol or the standard is used as the minimum standard for many other companies.

The organization:

Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration is in a goal to lessen down to the effect of mental unhealthiness in Americans. The agencies allot certain programs to the organization that may be carried out with the help of different divisions working for mental health. These service organizations are helpful to prevent the various kinds of mental disorders. They are helpful to prevent the illegal use of excessive drugs and other alcoholic beverages that may be the main reason behind the mental disorders. They also help in recovering the various illness of the mind through vigorous treatment and are responsible, at the same time for the health data collection. The different units working for this organizations help in promoting the most quality health service to the needy and the poor, as well as to the well to do class of families.

goals to achieve:

The Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration is going ahead with the goal of achieving success in certain fields like:

  • The mental illness prevention: that consists of creating communities that would help the different class of people and the different places like schools and workplaces to promote awareness among the mass regarding emotional and mental health
  • The trauma prevention: and allowing the people to understand the greatness of living in a peaceful environment. Trauma is mainly created in the minds of people through certain activities that do not suit the emotion of everyone, as each of the individuals is of a different nature. Different healthcare systems have been created to treat the criminals or patients with severe mental disorders caused by trauma.
  • The reform of the health: highest quality of care to be provided to the families and the individuals so as to maintain a healthy and a peaceful life. A number of recovery programs have also been included in case any examples are seen that are different from other cases of mental disorder suffering patients.
