Health Mental Health

Getting Therapy Mental Health For Bi-Polar Patients

Published at 04/02/2012 06:42:53


What is it like for a person that is suffering with a disorder such as bipolar? They look fine on the outside, but it is the inside of the brain that is messed up. Most people with bipolar have big mood swings and go through bouts of depression and happiness. Being able to get a diagnosis of being bipolar can be difficult, especially if no one else in your family has ever had any of the common symptoms. It was once believed to be a psychotic disease and that people who had it should be put in a mental institution. Back in the 50s, people were treated with shock therapy to help them get over their problems and were sometimes given a lobotomy to calm them down. This was bad behavior on the part of the doctors that were supposed to be helping the people who were suffering from these episodes.

Today, we understand a lot more of what is going on with someone that is suffering from bipolar. Most people can do well with having mental health therapy and some of the medications that can let them function as a normal person. The main issues with people that are bipolar are the mood swings. One minute they can be happy and two minutes later, they are mad at the world and someone is out to get them. They can also take risks that they know are dangerous, but in their mind, they are invincible. This can lead to them getting in to trouble with the police because of the stunts that they will try. Getting therapy when you are bipolar will help the person to understand that their behavior is not normal, and they can cause themselves or someone else to get hurt.


Group therapy for mental health has helped many people over the years, but it might not be the right therapy for one suffering with bipolar. A person with bipolar does not try to do the things that they do out of spite. they are missing a switch in their brain that tells a person who is not bipolar to stop. The impulses that they have are not controllable by them, and most people do not understand this. If your loved one has bipolar, you need to understand this disease and realize the person is not doing things out of hate or trying to push your buttons. They do it because they cannot stop. There is medicine that they can take, but some adults try to go without it, and then they become a danger to themselves and the people around them.

Tips and comments

You need to remember that you cannot force a person who is bipolar to get the mental health therapy that they need, but you can encourage them to go see the doctor and keep on their meds that they have. You have to be forceful sometimes with a person that has bipolar, because they will not understand that their behavior is unacceptable. If you need to, attend the mental health hterapy with your loved one. It can also help you to understand the disease more.
