Health Mental Health

How To Find Services For Mental Health

Published at 04/03/2012 22:43:36


People still have big issues when it to admitting that they might need to find services for mental health issues they may be experiencing. There is such a stigma that is attached when someone has mental issues, and in this day and age, it should not be like this. There are many people that have issues with mental health and they can be very mild issues, but when one hears that someone might have mental issues, and then people tend to want to stay away, and not have anything to do with that person. There are ways to go about finding services for mental health in your area you just have to know where to look.

Step 1

The best place to start is with your own family doctor. The doctor can listen to you and may even prescribe you some medication to take. Sometimes it helps to just let another person know how you are feeling. If he thinks that you need to go see someone he can give you a recommendation. Some insurance companies also require that you have a referral for services that your family doctor cannot provide for you.

Step 2

After admitting that you need help for mental health services, you may want to check with your insurance company. Most of the time, if mental health services are covered under your insurance you can only go so many times in one year before you have to pick up the cost yourself. Most insurance companies will cover one appointment a week for about six months.

Step 3

If your insurance will not cover mental health for services, there are some offices that will work on a sliding fee scale. This scale usually goes by how much you make a paycheck and then the fee is based on that. It works out well for some people and can be looked into if you do have insurance and you use all of that up.

Step 4

If you do not have a job and no insurance most places have clinics set up that can also help you with any mental health services that you may need. These places can be an all-day waiting, so you should get there as early in the morning that you can. It is worth it if you feel that you need the help to see someone.

Step 5

If you cannot find anywhere else to go, you can go to an emergency room. They usually cannot turn people away because they have no insurance or a way to pay. This is one way to be able to get the help you need through a patient advocate at the hospital. You can get mental health services this way.


Having mental health issues and needing services should not be looked upon as a bad thing. When you need the help the first step is seeking out the help. No one else has to know that you are in need of these services, as it is no one’s business but yours. Remember you are the one that needs the help, you should not care what other people think.

Sources and Citations
