Health Mental Health

About Health And Safety Environmental Managers

Published at 02/13/2012 18:22:14


Health and safety environmental managers enforce keeping the environment as well as the food you eat out, clean. The need for health and safety environmental managers arises from the lack of incentive to preserve the environment otherwise. Legislation exists both internationally and nationally defining the standards of everything or basically the standard at which they are to be kept or maintained and the environment is no less. Nature provides you with a lot more than just scenic beauty, although that alone is reason enough to preserve it. Your environment is your home and your home is where you live. Living in dirt is neither healthy nor appreciated so health and safety environmental managers are a key piece to the preservation of Mother Nature.


Moving towards the health part of the health and safety environmental managers, they are the main players in the restaurant world. They are feared immensely and are very well respected in every restaurant wherever you go. They have the power to shut down a restaurant if they find it not living up the marks that the legislation sets for them to match. They do surprise checks mostly and give restaurants a grade as to how much they match the required health laws. The grades are given from an “A” to an “F” with an “A” being the highest and an “F” being the lowest. Restaurants that receive high grades usually flaunt them on the entrance of their shops while the opposite exists for restaurants that receive low grades but if you’re a regular restaurant go-er you will be sure to notice something as small as this and ask the restaurant what grade they got.


It is no doubt very depressing and kind of disgusting to be eating in a restaurant whose hygiene is extremely poor. Health and safety environmental managers thus make sure you don’t get stomach aches or any other sort of stomach ailment after eating in a restaurant. But their job does not stop there, they also make sure the industrial giants, who live and breathe profit, make sure they clean up after themselves and not create externalities. Externalities are a concept in economics and they can be generalized to mean “third party effects”. These can be more easily stated as the affect on people other than those who are involved directly. Externalities are both positive and negative. An example would explain them more easily. Starting with a positive externality; this can anything whose affects on the third party are positive. A student who fights for a ban on smoking on his university campus is not only benefitting himself in a good way but also all of the other students. Similarly a negative externality is the opposite. Polluting a lake not only damages the lake but also those who use it for recreational purposes, not to mention the marine life.

Tips and comments

Thus health and safety environmental managers do more than most people tend to give them credit for. They are no doubt the unsung heroes of the increasingly environmentally aware generation. And the awareness is also increasing because they are doing their job so well.
