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Applying For Financial Jobs

Published at 02/02/2012 21:57:53


When applying for financial jobs it is really important to meet the minimum qualifications that the job description needs. This is because the financial world is highly competitive and extremely demanding; therefore meeting the minimum requirements for the job will not only increase your chances of getting the job but make it that much easier to do the job. The financial sector has plenty of financial jobs; it all depends on where exactly you want to be.


When looking for financial jobs in a financial company or firm it is important to do your research first. You must research not only about the position you are applying for but you must find out as much information as you can about the firm you will potentially be working for. Browse through the company and see what kind of services and products they offer. Most companies have a career section where they advertise jobs; go there and find out the financial jobs they have. If they have something that matches your qualifications and experience use their applications form to submit your CV and any documents they require.


Your CV or resume is the first introduction of yourself to the company; you must ensure that it is not only relevant but it free of any errors. A lot of people are put off by CVs that have mistakes in them. Also, be sure to follow instructions when it comes to sending your CV to the desired company; if they want you to include an application form or even a certified copy of your results, be sure to do that, if they want the documents mailed by post, do not email them, go out and post them. All your qualifications must be clearly stated on your CV including the subjects that you studied at school. There is something always happening in the financial world, which is why if you are applying for a financial job it is important to be aware of the changes that happen daily. This is especially important if you get called for an interview. Your knowledge does not need to be in depth but a general knowledge of the latest financial news is important. Whether it is simply knowing what your country’s currency is trading at against other markets or the increase or decrease of the oil price, it is important to assure your interviewer that you are in touch with what is happening in the world of finance.

Tips and comments

The most common positions that you find in the financial sector are positions in banking, insurance, asset management companies and companies that specialise in giving loans. In the insurance industry for example you can apply to become a Loss Adjustor, Underwriter, Claims Specialist or an Actuary. For you to become any of these; you must have studied some insurance qualification like a B.Com in Risk Management. Actuaries will need to study a Degree in Actuarial Science. You stand a better chance of getting financial jobs in any insurance company if you have studied an insurance course or degree.


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