Music Guitar Music

Guitar How To

Published at 02/17/2012 17:47:43


Playing the guitar how to sing can be difficult while you are still in the learning process. You have the possibility to utilize the guitar and play any song crosses your mind. Learning the guitar how to play is easier than many other instruments. Learning guitar how to play can take years of practice. Some guitar professional lessons are also very important for learning the full instrument potential. This small guide is for those who wish to buy a guitar or already have it and are eager to learn. For those having issues guitar how to play, they should start by trying to play simple songs with simple notes and power chords. This will help in many more ways like strengthening the finger, dexterity and of course getting used to the instrument.

Step 1

So you decided you want to go along on this journey of learning the guitar. To study any of these lessons we need several things:

  • An acoustic or electric guitar without effects.
  • A wedge (recommended but not required), the idea is that at first it may be difficult to sing only with fingers. How you feel is natural, so do.
  • Patience and willpower.

Step 2

To learn guitar how to, Let's take them one by one:
1) Guitar:
You will laugh, but most people I know have no connection with this musical instrument, they don’t know how to distinguish different basic types of guitar. I myself when I started had a lot of difficulties. So we have two basic types. Sound is recognized most easily by this resonance box (has a hole in it) and these can be divided into several subgroups:
(1) Classic has plastic cords.
(2) Western has steel strings.
Electrical guitar captures sound through microphone into a dose (briefly) and transmits it through a wire to a speaker in a simple setup.
As for the next lessons we will refer generally to an acoustic guitar or to an electric one (no effects, amplification, etc..) An electric guitar non-amplified should sound like an acoustic one.
2) Wedge:
There are many theories about the best wedge. Basically to start would be good to sing with an average wedge. Later, you can try several thicknesses and see which sound you like most.
3) Patience and will:
As I said in the foreword, you need to have patience learning, because it may not sound good at first. You need great will because fingers sometimes hurt and you may want to abandon. You must have the strength to continue. 15 minutes of exercise a day is sufficient to bind things. Generally are better 15 minutes a day, an hour in four days.

Step 3

In this lesson we will learn the name strings, by two methods. We will learn how to keep up with the names of notes, three basic agreements and their application in three Romanian songs and one foreign song.

Step 4

Guitar how to
Musical notes are some ways of representing the sound, so two musicians can be able to understand each other. We have 7 basic notes called in two standards:
- Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si
- C, D, E, F, G, A, B
Whether I say “D” or “Re” it’s the same thing. In our days, most often when we talk about guitar the second standard will be pointed out.
The standard tuned guitar has the following notes from top to bottom: E, A, D, G, B, E

Step 5

Step 5

Guitar how to consists of two methods of providing:
- You can use a standard Tuner, or a more special programmed one.
- Sound comparison method.
Take as reference the top rope. Press the fifth string and compare the sound obtained by following string sound, they should be approximately the same, when they reached the same sound we have the following two notes. It's the one on the top and E + 5 on the second. Meaning, A. Note E 5 = A;
Key is pressed on the 5th string A and repeat process with next. Note: A 5 = D;
Key is pressed on the 5th string D and repeat process with next. Note: D 5 = G;
Fourth key is pressed on the G string and repeat process with next. Note: G 4 = B;
Key is pressed on the 5th string B and repeat the process with the last chord. Note: B 5 = E;
