Computers Laptops

How To Obtain Memory For a Laptop

Published at 02/12/2012 18:07:56


With the laptops becoming more accessible day by day more people are using them at work or for fun. The configuration of a laptop depends on what you want to do with it. Laptop memory is very important if you want to watch HD movies or work in graphical programs.

Step 1

More laptop memory means your laptop will be more efficient when multi-processing, meaning that the system will not access as much hard disk, increasing productivity of the computer; it decreases the total time necessary to do a task or group of tasks.

Step 2

More laptop memory also helps your computer run more stable and more robust. Windows XP needs at least 256 MB resources, and Vista needs at least 512 MB, to be stable and run in a decent way (even if it can run with less than 512 Mb, as Microsoft says). However, for Vista we recommend 1 GB, to be ok!
You can find second hand notebooks with 256 Mb, in this case you should take 512MB of RAM as an upgrade, especially when you consider that you can find people with laptops purchased by a year that have 1 Gb memory.

Step 3

You have to consider speed laptop memory modules as much as your notebook supports. You should know that adding memory to a higher speed (we mean the clock's value) will not increase in any way the notebook performance (PC 3200 memory automatically adapts the clock after the system - PC2700 for example). Never buy a laptop memory with a smaller bus than the system you have, because it will slow it down! The best buyer is not focused only on a component, but looks for an overall, balanced performance.

Step 4

Remember: no matter if you have a Ferrari, if you tune it poorly, you will be overtaken by a Mustang! There are different types of SDRAM laptop memory modules (most commonly used today).They are represented by letters PC plus a number PC2100, PC2700, PC3200, PC4000 and so on.

Step 5

If possible, choose a laptop memory clock higher, especially because if you buy a new laptop it will surely have at least PC3200 modules. Do not be confused when you find a memory described or DDR400, or PC3200.The first one describes the maximum clock of the laptop memory (400 MHz in this case) and the second describes the maximum transfer rate (in the example bytes / sec, or 3.2 GB / s) . So you can find DDR266/PC2100, DDR333/PC2700, and DDR400/PC3200 and so on.


You might wonder where this numbers relationship comes from .You can get the maximum transfer rate from memory's clock cycles by multiplying the bus size.
DDR SDRAM modules have a bus size of 8 bytes. So if you obtine8 bytes each cycle's clock and memory is 400 million cycles per second (400 MHz), can send 3,200,000,000 bytes every second. Very simple, is not it? So DDR 400 is the same with PC3200 and so on. It's just a matter of names.

Sources and Citations

We hope this short tutorial about laptop memory will help you choose the best laptop.
Remember to look always for the best price quality relation and search in more then one place.
