The human respiratory system provides oxygen to each and every body cell, filters out agents that are infectious, provides air that is required for speech and removes body wastes. Diseases of the respiratory system are conditions that affect the tissues and organs which make exchange of gas possible in organisms. It is a condition that involves the trachea, upper respiratory tract, alveoli, pleural cavity, pleura, bronchioles, muscles and nerves used for breathing. These diseases of the respiratory system range from self-limiting to mild.
Each six seconds that pass, people who have serious respiratory conditions are made to remember that their breathing is not normal but impaired. They do not get oxygen that is enough for them as they breath they cannot enjoy their life fully. The activities they carry out are limited by this disease. Most diseases of the respiratory system however occur in the alveoli and bronchioles. How then can one prevent disease of the respiratory system?
Step 1
Quit smoking. By smoking, you are at a very high risk of contracting diseases of the respiratory system because smoking damages your lungs. If you stop smoking today, you will definitely save yourself a lot of trouble including your family member and friends who are affected by the smoke of your cigarette. What most people do not know is that, those who take the smoke indirectly can also suffer from diseases of the respiratory system. If you do not smoke, do not be tempted to start.
Step 2
Get enough sleep. When someone is sick the doctors recommend that you rest. If you are suffering from diseases of the respiratory system, make sure that you get enough rest. It helps your body's immune system fight against any disease or bacteria in your body. Make sure that you get at least 7 hours of sleep. Lack of enough sleep can make you more prone to sinus infections and colds.
Step 3
You should eat a well-balanced diet. This will help your body functions to improve. This way, it raises your immunity system. Your diet should be made up of high level of proteins like fish, turkey, lean meat, eggs, soy, sprouts and low-fat dairy products. Avoid saturated fat and fatty acids. Instead, take omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats.
Step 4
Avoid stress. People who are able to manage stress are healthy. Do not fill your mind with too many worries and concerns as they can deteriorate your health and can cause other problems like angina and stroke.
Step 5
Maintain proper hygiene. Wash your hand regularly. Like after using the toilet, after blowing your nose, after changing the babys diapers among others. Also, cover your sneezes and coughs. This will prevent you from being infected or even from infecting others with diseases of the respiratory system.
Step 6
Get regular exercise. Physical exercise is very good for your body and especially to your lungs. When you exercise, you make your lungs become better and stronger. It provides the oxygen that your body requires. Also, it helps boost your body to fight against germs which can easily cause diseases of the respiratory system.
Step 7
Drink enough water. It is recommended that a person should drink 0.5 oz of water per lb of body weight each day. It helps to heal your mucous membranes you stay hydrated.
Step 8
Make sure that the room you are in is well ventilated. Do not suffocate yourself with fumes or smells from whatever you are doing. If the room is not well ventilated, you cause air pollution which is not good for humans when breathed in. Maintain degree of cleanliness in the room.
In order for you to prevent serious or occasional diseases of the respiratory system, you may be required to change your lifestyle, but for the better. Although respiratory diseases like infections, flu and cold caused by allergies are not life threatening, it is good to be on the safer side. Do not let the disease get to the extreme points of tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis and asthma. Some of the symptoms of the diseases of the respiratory system are: reduced heart beat, chest pain or pressure, irregular heartbeats, rapid heart rate, low breathing rate, severe cough, difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, and wheezing.
If you identify one of these symptoms, you need to visit your doctor. The disease of the respiratory system can be diagnosed using a chest X-ray, pulmonary function test, computed tomography scan, culture of microorganisms from secretions such as sputum, bronchoscope, biopsy of the lung or pleura, ventilation, perfusion scan, and ultrasound scanning can be useful to detect fluid such as pleural effusion.
Sources and Citations
Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract by Ellis, Michael E. Published by : CUP (Cambridge), 1998
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