The Best Gel For Skin
Fashion & Style Skin

The Best Gel For Skin

Published at 03/14/2012 16:30:55


The Best Gel For Skin

Our skin is the guardian of many diseases. It guards our bones, ligaments, internal organs and muscles. It also helps us in many other ways for instance protection against the environment , temperature regulation, excessive water loss and synthesis of vitamin D and forming scares when ever we get some kind of injury or bruises. Our skin is constantly exposed to numerous environmental factors that effect our skin. Magnetic waves, pollution, sweating, sun rays all effect our skin in one way or another. And in order to make sure that our skin is as healthy as it should be we normally rely on skin gel. Now a days there are almost every type of skin gel ranging from our right from our scalp to our foot.


The Best Gel For Skin

Skin care is very important for our overall health. If not cleaned and cared properly the accumulation of dead cells, together with the secretion of sweat and dust causes the decomposition of bacterial flora and therefore producing the foul smell. Further if the dirt and sweat is not washed away, excessive dirt and dead cells might damage the skin causing various skin diseases. However, washing alone is not enough for proper skin care, skin gel is important to ensure proper cleansing depending on the type of skin.


The Best Gel For Skin

Before deciding what kind of skin gel you need, one needs to know his/her skin type. Normally there are five types of skins: normal, dry, oily, combination (both oily and dry) and sensitive skin (more prone to change in climates). For treatment of normal skin in order not to make them too oily or dry, light non greasy water based gels help to maintain perfect balance between oil and dryness. Dryer skin normally needs more strong gels which are heavier and oil based containing grape seed oil or antioxidants. Gels with Aloe Vera also help a lot in treating dry skin and helping retain moisture. Reducing soreness and discomfort. Oily skin is blessing for some and sometimes curse for others. Gels and moisturizers which are water based are best suited for oily skin types. Sensitive skin is generally more prone to changes in climate conditions causing rashes, skin itching and redness. Gels which have soothing ingredients chamomile and that minimize potential allergens.

Tips and comments

Our skin is unique in its own way, reacting different in different circumstances. Caring of skin is indeed very important for us and using skin gel does play an effective role in helping us. Apart form using skin gel if one adopts various easy tips and if we assimilate them in our daily lives, no wonder one can get a healthy skin. Generally we are not that particular about small habits that help our skin to be healthy. Things like washing face at least twice a day, drinking as much clean water we can, using lotions or gels containing benzol peroxide are good for skin. Like, keep your sunglasses properly cleaned in order to prevent the oil form concentrating around nose and eyes. Be sure to remove your make up before sleeping and whenever you buy make up make sure that you buy make up which have labels "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic" on them. Protecting skin from sun is also very necessary and crucial for our skin. Wearing hats, using sunscreens regularly are equally good for skin. These small tips definitely do help us in getting a healthier skin.
