Fashion & Style Skin

What To Do For Blue Skin Discoloration

Published at 03/23/2012 22:00:44


Blue skin discoloration is a condition termed as cyanosis by doctors and medical experts. This condition causes the skin to become of a bluish nature due to the lack of oxygen in the blood. Blood that has lost its oxygen will obviously not be red, but will have a bluish tinge to it which is apparent on the skin of sufferers. This blue skin condition is not only visible on the face, but also on hands, feet and other body parts. This condition can develop within a matter of days and even within a slow gradual process over the years, being more visible in older people.


Blue skin discoloration is divided into two broad categories. One comprises of appearances around the lips and the core areas, whereas the second type comprises of effects seen on the fingers, toenails, underneath them and also in other extreme areas. This painful condition can be caused by circulatory or ventilator problems when the saturation of blood is less than 85%. However, it cannot be detected in darker skinned people until the saturation reaches a level of below 75%. Sometimes, it is even known to occur in a short passage of the time if the person is choking or any form of breathing is impaired. There are however, large variations in this disease and many people are seen to suffer from it if they have heart conditions as well.


Some non-serious causes of blue skin are extreme weather, bruising, moles, bulging veins and others. Each case is varying in seriousness. Doctors have even reported that substance abuse and extreme prescription medication has also been seen to cause blue skin. For people who live in extremely cold areas and aren’t used to that weather they can suffer from Reynaud’s Phenomenon, which implies that the skin turns blue from specific areas. It can in a way be describe as extreme frost bite. This condition caused in only one part of the body, like a leg for example can be because of severe blood clots, which can be cured by a doctor. Extremely old people are those who suffer mostly from cyanosis because their body doesn’t make that much blood on a regular basis. Therefore, they might end up facing chest pains, troubles in breathing and other related symptoms. Detection can be hard in those patients whose blood levels have dropped by a very small amount, so regular tests and doctor appointments must be undertaken. Blue skin discoloration can be cured, but is a long process depending upon the seriousness of the condition. If detected early it can be cured within a short period of time through an intensive nutritional course, prescription medicines and natural blood producing foods. Such foods consist of beetroot, liver and grapes and must be consumed frequently. For people suffering from Reynaud’s phenomenon the solution lies in keeping oneself warm and away from the cold at all costs. Eating healthy will also increase stamina levels.

Tips and comments

For the elderly who are suffering from disease and have extreme severe conditions causing the outbreak of blue skin the treatment requires dedication and effort. Constant improvement of the diet, physical activity and taking medication religiously are just some of few guidelines.
